I don't know how any body uses that bones thing. What an enormous pain in the rButtock! If your modeling program supports groups in OBJ files (most of them do) group your figure's body parts before you export it to Poser. In MAX each object in the scene becomes a group in the OBJ. A modeling program is going to do a much nicer job of selecting groups than that poor anemic grouping tool in Poser When you import the OBJ to Poser you can use the grouping tool to separate the OBJ groups into Poser props. Open the grouping tool, click "Spawn Props". Now you have all the figures body parts. delete the OBJ you imported. Now go to the Hierarchy editor. Click the Universe at the top of the HE list. Click the Apply Standard Hierarchy button, then click on the hip in the HE list and click Apply Standard Rotation. Now click create new figure. The figure will be saved to the library. Load it back and have a crack at some of the stuff Bruycetech is showing you. You could also take the figure in the setup room and tweak the bones a bit. From here almost all the work that needs to be done is going to be with the Joint Editor. You think the Joint Editor is hard? wait till the do the eyes! You have to hack the CR2 to get them working right. The next step is joint centers. Open the figure you created in HE. Switch to one of the Isometric views, switch to outline view, and open the Joint editor. You will easily be able to position the center points now. They should be place near to where a real human joint would be. You may also want to change some of the joint angles so they line up with the axis of the body part. (This is the one thing the setup room does well. You can use it for this step if you prefer.) [![ngsmall02.gif](http://www.nerd3d.com/Banners/ngsmall02.gif)](http://www.nerd3d.com)