Here is how I did the Little French Maid dresses- I loaded the SMV version into Max and attached all the groups to the hip part. I then loaded all the other parts, apron, pettycoat and so on and also attached them to the hip (most otfits don't have as many overlaying parts as this one, incidently). I scaled the dress as close as I could get it to the right size. Now the real work began, I move the vertexes around to get a proper fit, flattening the chest and so on. Max lets you pick a group of vertexes and have an adjustable fall-off on the surrounding vertexes, but it takes some skill to do this, I've been doing things like this for a couple years now, bear in mind. Once I got the dresses to cover the girls I added a tiny bit of clearance. How much is a tiny bit? Gee! I then detached out all the parts, checking the polygon count of each as I went, as I wanted some of the original morphs to work. I took the grirls CR2 and removed unwanted parts and morphs and materials and used it to operate th eOBJ files. I copied the morphs that I wanted to reuse to the new CR2. I made the skirts work properly, and fixed all the other odd problems I found. That is all it takes! Oh, I redid all of the above for the smaller girl, too. The dresses work just like they were made for them, which they just about are, at this stage. Oh, I made new shoes for them too, cute little Mary Janes with optional socks. I don't know of an easier way. Taylor isn't going to do it, as it works on morph differences, and Vickie's CR2 also isn't going to work.