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ed1111 | 7 | 204 | ||
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ed1111 | 23 | 484 | ||
ed1111 | 6 | 111 |
27 comments found!
To justify my theory, I went back to the Poser forums page to see how many views there were of my post. 216 views to date and growing.
potentially that could be over 200 motion files created and shared.
In the grander scheme of things,that isn't such a huge number. but for those of us with a tight budget(college students and the like) that would put our Poser characters to action and maybe
inspire more of us to create. I have had Poser for over a month now and have YET to create
an animation worthy of viewing by anyone, including myself. mainly because I have been
between learning how to create motions that have to come across as smooth as possible
due to my own strict standards.(which by the way is NOT easy) and finding usable free motions.
and I am sure I'm not the only one here who is going through this. just my two cents....
Thread: Why do we not have an established library of motion files by now? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
It is nice to know that this topic has generated a certain amount of interest.
what is important here,however, is to create a solution that arises from
our opinions,insights and speculations.
Does anyone remember the old fable where a poor man wanders into town and asks
for food and was turned away by each of its inhabitants.then he makes his way to the center of town and puts together a large pot of water over a fire and drops in a stone. at this point he begins to draw the attention of townsfolk, one by one.
when each asks what is he doing, he says he is making stone soup to share with the community.
thus he continues to stir the "soup" as one after another approaches him and would say to him,
"what this needs is a few potatoes"
another comes by,"just a hint of parseley and a carrot or two would do this just fine....."
......and so on and so on.....
Well, you know where this is going by now.
If we all put together our resources maybe we can create our own motion files for Poser
characters. and yes, I am speaking of bvh specific files. even If each of us makes one file
and share with other P6 or P7 users, then perhaps we can generate our own repository.
Now of course I have to think in realistic terms. there are variables involved.the number of actual
P6 andP7 users who participate. the amount of those that read this.(Sticky?) other reasons which I have overlooked. probably a few GLARINGLY OBVIOUS reasons which I am sure someone
will point out.
Let me wrap this up for those of you who are drifting off. please remember the internet has
allowed each and everyone one of us an opportunity to express our views, to share our
talents with friends whom we've never met but know that these same people share at least
something in common with us. the desire to create. and that desire to create is what helped build
Nations. (Triumphant music starts building up to crescendo as crowds of thousands cheer.)
O.K. Everyone inspired yet? lets build up our own motion files and freely share today!woohoo!!
Ed G.
voted most likely to incite a riot
voted most likely to shamelessly use an excessive amount of smileys in his post
Thread: Why do we not have an established library of motion files by now? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Exactly. thats what I thought how it works. If I created a bvh file using Simon G2 figure and
shared FREELY with others who already have Poser, how can that be violating any policies?
see my title at beginning of post.
Thread: Why do we not have an established library of motion files by now? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: Why do we not have an established library of motion files by now? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: Why do we not have an established library of motion files by now? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thanks for giving your opinions. hopefully more Poser users will read this and share their thoughts as well.
Miss Nancy and kirwyn: no doubt MoCap systems are expensive. I did come across something that caught my attention. also read a post in a different forum about this system as well as a user submitting a short animation he created using it. pretty impressive,the price isn't bad as well. sorry I didn't create a link, not much of a user in terms of emailing.
Helgard and wof359: Thanks for the info,much appreciated.I agree that it can be time consuming and costly. I do have thesecondlife clips i use and utilize a handful.so that helps. I'm in the process of creating some martial arts motions and look to share with the community when i'm finished. so is it a violation to share freely the bvh files you buy as long as you don't
sell them? I guess it is a an ethical issue as technically you are keeping the origianal
creator from profiting,huh? oh well. back to the drawing (key)board.
Thread: OK call me stupid but... | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thanks for the clarification, but it was meant as a joke(see my second post)
no doubt by now everyone knows what 'rofl' means........
my lame attempt at humor....
Thread: OK call me stupid but... | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: OK call me stupid but... | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: Is anyone familiar with C3D format? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
In reference to my last post, go to bottom left of community page. there you will find support.
click on downloads. scroll to bottom of that page.
free downloads>avatars and animations.
damn, i'll get it right , eventually......
Thanks R Hatch.
Thread: Is anyone familiar with C3D format? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Here are some BVH files for those of you that are interested........
As mentioned on the page, not all files will work with poser characters. I have tested a handful of random files on Simon g2 as well as Aiko and have gotten mixed results. Good Luck. If anyone knows of any more files, please post. Thanks. Eddie
Also if anyone has the know -how to convert those other files, that would be sweet......
after clicking on the link below, go to community(top of page) then go to the bottom of that page. there you will find free downloads
Thread: bvh files | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Try Iclones fan site, coolclones.com
I had Iclone before Poser and found a ton of bvh files. havent tried them on Poser yet.
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Thread: Why do we not have an established library of motion files by now? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL