14 threads found!
Thread | Author | Replies | Views | Last Reply |
shadowhawk2zero | 20 | 448 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 3 | 49 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 3 | 96 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 12 | 394 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 1 | 24 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 14 | 309 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 12 | 201 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 4 | 136 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 92 | 1541 | |
shadowhawk2zero | 3 | 64 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 4 | 114 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 5 | 73 | ||
shadowhawk2zero | 0 | 77 |
shadowhawk2zero | 6 | 226 |
110 comments found!
Is there any character morph sets available for her yet? I have been looking on her site and I can find a bathing suit a conforming dress and a dynamic dress, but no hair or shoes. I am really interested in this character but without some of these items I am hesitant on picking her up. Do you hav a link to the hair used in the promo images and were the shoes just resized to her feet? If these are easy fixes I would be willing to shell out the greenbacks but without some additional info I am kind of in a holding pattern. This is the only thread I have seen for her that is why I am asking here. Feel free to PM me if you would rather talk off line.
Thread: OT Amy Winehouse dies, aged 27 | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Just another celebrity who couldn't deal with success and tried to escape reality with booze and drugs. Not really surprised considering her recent headlines.
Thread: OT: Nuclear Fallout in the West Coast possible? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - It doesn't matter if stupid Communists damaged Chernobyl or a powerfull earthquake damaged Fukushima. The URSS was full of Communists and Japan is full of earthquakes, in both cases the reactors were damaged and this is the point.
Fukushima reactors were damaged, end of story. Now what to do with the damage and how protect the population from the mess and it doesn't matter if was caused by a huge 9.0 earthquake, schit happened.
I believe you are refering to the USSR not the URSS. Maybe you should spend more time getting your facts straight that you are pulling off the internet without really knowing what they say before you go running around like chicken little screaming that the world is ending.
It is quickly becoming apparent that this thread is become a rant for the misinformed, so I am going to save my remaining brain cells and pay attention to the old saying "Never argue with an idiot, those watching can't tell the difference."
Thread: OT: Nuclear Fallout in the West Coast possible? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - another british publication (economist) mentioned this:
"the fiasco at the Fukushima Dai-ichi has revealed, again, the cosy ties between the nuclear industry and government. Together, they have stifled debate, covered up bungles and made assumptions about risks that were too optimistic."
it occurred to me that's why we have trolls at internet forums - to stifle debate. but they're of no concern in the context of those nuke plant workers whose legs were burned by radioactive seawater because they were only given ankle boots with plastic bags taped over them.
LMAO Me, a troll trying to say that nuclear energy is safe? Not a chance, I am one of the most anti-government advocates that you will see. I love my country but I hate the government that runs it. I was simply stating that the talking heads were causing more issues than they needed too. As far as the workers getting burned by the contaminated worker, I think the owners of the facility should be held responsible for not having adiquate safety equipment available for their workers. I firmly believe that better safety precautions should be in place for ALL contingincies no matter where you work. There should have been manual counter measures in place in the event that both primary AND secondary measures are disabled. But in nuclear energy's defense, how many accidents have there been since they started using it? Three maybe four? Now how many oil spills and refinery explosions have there been since the use of fossil fuels? More than I can count. Yeah considering the difference in contamination due to an accident is catistrophic. I still think that our governments are being influenced by the oil industry AND other special interest groups thus preventing the development of clean safe energy.
Thread: OT: Nuclear Fallout in the West Coast possible? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - Which would you prefer nuclear fission reactor or nuclear fusion reactor?
Well, in a perfect world I believe that fusion would be better in the long run, the energy released from the reaction produces less waste and the fuel sourse would need to be changed less often because it would last longer than current Fussion fuel rods. Personally I would like to see a breakthrough in room temprature super conductors and Geo-thermal energy. I would like to see the U.S. break its dependancy on fossil fuels simply for the fact it would lower our taxes and raise the standard of living by creating cheaper energy for the masses. But knowing our government they would raise taxes on it so that we would be worse off than if we still used oil.
Thread: OT: Nuclear Fallout in the West Coast possible? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - There are big differences between Chernobyl and Fukushisma.
Chernobyl was one nuclear reactor located in the URSS, it was a Russian product and Russians were Communist in those days, Communists always lie and Russia has always crapy products.
Fukushima is a plant with six nuclear reactors. It are an American GE product and Japan and the US are Capitalists countries, paladins of the truth and their products are the best and always use the top technology.
Besides these differences, the rest is the same and you have at least four Chernobyls. The earthquake damaged the plant, the reactors were not stopped because the control central was not operational due the earthquake's damage. The reactors run out of control and sufferered a partial meltdown until the control was restored in a partial and precarious way. The part of the rods that melted fell to the bottom of the container creating a blob above the critical mass and so the fission goes on and cannot be controlled anymore and it will continue until all fissionable material is exhausted or the blob is exploded int not critical pieces. The critical blob didn't explode as a nuclear bomb because the uranium and plutonium has a very low degree of enrichment, but it can burn for years.
You can disagree with all that I am saying, but use pure logic and common sense and examine the known facts:
Minutes after the earquake Japan raised a nuclear alarm in five reactors. Fukushima has six reactors and something very bad must happened with five reactors.
When you shut down a nuclear reactor the fission stop within microseconds. The power or heat drops in the act to 6%. This 6% is not due fission that doesn't exist anymore, it is due radioactive decay that also drops quickly, within one hour is 0.4% and a day later is 0.2% droping in a exponential way. You can find this in any physics textbook, and not what the tales circulating in the media.
And have passed some weeks since the earthquake, time enought to nothing be hot if the reactor was shut down.
The combustible rods are not fixed and welded to the container. The rods can be removed and changed by new rods plenty of combustible. When a rod is exhausted you replace it with a fresh new one without any big problem and without thurning down the reactor for some years. You also can insert a rod for creating isotops and alter remove it when is full of them.
If a nuclear reactor has some problem you remove the rods and take them to a safe place.
If the pool with used rods had a problem, why they didn't remove the rods from the pool instead of trying to cool the pool? Don't tell that it were very hot, you can move melted iron/steel from one part to other in a steel plant without any problem.
Why there were injecting borum acid in the reactors? Borum acid is not used to cool nothing, borum has the property of absorving neutrons and so, stop the fission. Stop which fission if the reactor was shut down ?
A nuclear reactor is used to generate electric power, it has a generator. If there is heat enough and steam enough the generator can produce all the electricity you need without the need o kilometers long cable to bring electricity to the reactor. And if the steam circuit was not more operational due the damage, bringing a kilometers long electric cable will solve nothing because it is not workin anymore.
But if the reactors were not stopped, the rods melted and are under fission today the scenario is rather different. The fission is not anymore under control, cannot be controlled, it generate a lot heat and a lot of radiation. The released heat is damaging all what was not damaged, the heat source is now located in a part where the reactor was not designed to handle this heat, so the cooling process is not very effective and how many months or years you will have to continue cooling?
For me what should have to be done is: In the moment that the earthquake damaged the reactors and the nuclear alaram was raised, take the decision. The reactors are lost and without control and so isolated it from the population, retire as many combustible rods as possible, take it to a save place and burry the recators in sand and concrete. The fission can continue burning inside the concrete block for years, but all the radiation will be confined inside the concrete block without creating any damage to the surrounding population and all the world.
If they have done this the population would be saved, but....
The company and their insvertors would have total loss, nothing would be able to save and recover meaning a loss of many billions.
The world would know that nuclear plants are not so secure and that is not green energy.
There are many nuclear plants around the world with the same design, design proved nothing secure. Not good for GE and their investors.
Great damage to the plans of creating of new carbon free "green" nuclear plants.
And much more.....
WOW! That is some of the most uninformed ranting I have heard in a while. First off this disater has noting to do with Socialist/Capitalist politics. If the Japanese were Communists, the earthquake would have been just as devistating! A 9.0 earthquke would level any modern city in the world, but the Japanese have had to deal with earthquakes and are the Subject Matter Experts in the field of building in an earthquake zone.
The next part may come as a shock, but I will try to break it to you gently...Governments lie. Its what they do, they get elected by the people by lieing to them and then they continue to lie to keep their jobs. It is an ugly fact of life.
You seem to be hung up on the idea that there are six reactors at this plant, that is no unusuall at all. Many plants have multipule reactors, it is a space saving issue. The Japanese have a limited amount of it, so they combine several plants into one footprint, not a part of the problem. You also make it sound like the Japanese overrode safety protocols to keep the reactors operating, that is also incorrect. When the power failed the system automaticaly shifted to the back-up generators, which were unfortunately also damaged by the quake.
With a quake of that size, you are pretty much going to get knocked to the ground and will have to wait it out until you can pick yourself back up after it is over.
You keep wanting to compare this to Chernobyl, although both are accidents they are not similar enough to use as a comparasion. Chernobyl's explosion ruptured the core containment vessel and exposed the core when it blew parts of itself all over the surrounding countryside. Fukushisma has had some explosions but they have yet had a core breach of Chernobl's magnitude. Fukushisma's problem stems from a loss of power to circulate coolant through the recator vessals which created a preasure build up that caused an explosion of the main structure, not the containment vessel.
You are talking aobut melted cores and runaway reactions, once freash water can be restored and circulating these "runaway reactions" will become moot. Then it will be a clean-up of enormous undertaking.
You spout off facts that you gleam for the net or from books but you do not know how to use these facts other than to sow confussion and fear. Nuclear energy is not the boogie man that you and other Green factions are saying. Yes there is an issue with the waste by-product, but there is also a waste by product from using fossil fuels but all the greenies still drive their SUV's to rallies.
If you are going to go off on some politically motivated rant, at least make sure that you learn you facts a little better. Right now you are no better than the talking heads that are sittin in their sudio's on the East Coast of the U.S. telling all of the West Coast Sheeple who will listen to them that they need to go out and buy DECON kits and Potasium Iodine pills.
Thread: OT: Nuclear Fallout in the West Coast possible? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
What we have with all of this can be boiled down to one simple answer. The world press is creating a panic over something that shouldn't be blown this far out of porportion! I lived in Japan for several years as a kid when my father was in the Navy and I feel for the Japanese people who have lost their families and are suffering through hardships most of us couldn't begin to fathom. But we have the talking heads on the glogal news networks creating a panic about radiation that is less than a chest x-ray! How about focusing on the homeless and hungry japanese people who could be better served by the talking heads than some fantasy radiation scare that will never be noticed? Who cares is a miniscule amount of radiation is added to the atmosphere for a few days? I am currently on R&R in Or and I am not worried one bit, if people on the West coast are worried STAY INSIDE! Plus with all of the talking heads going on about potasium iodine pills and decon kits is bordering on negligent behavior, they are going to hurt more people over this than the radiation will. The American public has become addicted to these talking heads and believe what they are told through them. If they would stop for a minute and quit trying to out sell everyone else on TV they might actually do more good than the harm they are currently causing. If you have a question about radiation and what to do, turn off the TV and find a book or look on the internet for the answer. It might be better for you in the long run.
OK I am off the saop box now, let the rotten tomatos fly.
Thread: fingerprints and mugshot content? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Hey Esther,
I found some info that might be useful to you on this, give me a little bit and I will email you with what I have. Your story is really looking good so far.
Thread: what would a US marshal wear who was in charge of all the other marshals in his | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: what would a US marshal wear who was in charge of all the other marshals in his | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
If you ever need info on something like this feel free to PM me and ask away. I have worked with several Law Enforcement agencies both in the States and over here in Iraq, and would be willing to help you out as much as I can. As far as the big hat goes, unless you are needing a Texas Ranger it might be a little out of place.
Thread: what would a US marshal wear who was in charge of all the other marshals in his | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Looks awsome Esther! That is a really good interpritation of a field supervisor from the U.S. Marshals. Glad all of the info provided from all of us helped you out! Looking forward to seeing more of this.
Thread: what would a US marshal wear who was in charge of all the other marshals in his | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
The only time they would wear a combat uniform such as a S.W.A.T. type you are talking about would be for a high risk warrent or assualt like the Karresh raid back in the early 90's. Mostly that kind of thing would be left to the ATF, DEA and FBI. The U.S. Marshals are more detective and investigators. Now you have the whole Federal Prisoner transport unit and they were uniforms like that but they are a much smaller group.
Thread: Where can I find shoes for Miki 3? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
I hadn't thought of that idea I may have to give it a try if nothing else shows up. I guess I will have to break out the manual for PP10 and see how to convert clothing and other items.
Thread: Where can I find shoes for Miki 3? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
have never had any luck with crossdresser or other conversion software, it is probably operator error. I think I saw something recently that they offer a plug in for Crossdresser for Miki3 but I could be wrong.
Thread: Where can I find shoes for Miki 3? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
I appreciate the input but I am looking for a sexier style, 4 to 5 inch heeled pumps or boots. Although those might work for now, wouldn't want her to go around barefoot now would I? Hopefully some vendors like LilFlame, Nemain Ravenwood or Chris T will start making them soon.
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Thread: Mariko - Any User Reviews Yet? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL