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15 comments found!
Hmm.. This thread reminds me of another thread that was run not that long ago discussing about whether the TOS should be modified. Was the OT Forum getting out of hand? I admit I don't know as I've been away for awhile, but as artists go, it's not just art that dominates our thoughts, but other issues as well. It seems a shame that the OT Forum has been taken away. To me it feels like some of the people I've met and read their opinions of on such a variety of topics now have that part of their personality closed off from me, thereby lessening my enjoyment of them as members. But maybe the closing of the OT Forum was needed. As people, we tend to run in cycles, with the beginning of the cycle being the celebration of the joining of kindred spirits on a mutual quest, and the ending of the cycle resembling close to anarchy before collapsing, and then we start the cycle all over again. I do hope the OT Forum comes back in some way, but regardless if it does or not, there will always be 'attacks' given. You can do your best to dissuade or curb such attacks, but they'll always be a few that sneak by. Having a clear intention of what each forum represents is the first line of defense, and if I remember correctly, the OT Forum did have such intentions posted for all to see. The second line of defense are the Mods, who operate as judges, who take the intentions of the forum and make sure that at least the threads stay within the boundries of the forum as it was set up originally. Most of the time, just using some simple common sense will help curb most attacks. Firm, but fair, and consistant, should be a Mod's motto. If a decision is rendered by a Mod that a post contains 'attacks', then they should have the discretion to have that post removed and the postee be given a warning that such conduct is unacceptable. There should be no favoritism given, as none should be expected. Repeat offenses by the above postee should be punishable by whatever measures a Mod deems necessary, including suspension if appropriate. If a postee cries that they are being unfairly punished, a simple reminder that the forum is for the benefit of all and Mods have to make decisions based on the intention of the forum versus the content of a particular post and if such post is deemed unacceptable, then appropriate measures will be taken. There will always be malcontents in any forum, whether here or elsewhere, and it is a Mod's responsibility (at least as I see it) to make sure the forum runs as smoothly as possible with the least amount of disruption. If that means kicking a little booty once in a while, so be it. As far as catagorizing 'attacks' goes, I think Bobasaur's definitions are pretty much what most people would agree to, with the category 2 'attacks' being left up to the Mod's discretion. My only question would be about enforcement, and the consistancy of such enforcement. As I stated earlier, Firm, but Fair, and Consistant. Generally, if a Mod is being consistant in their enforcement of the forum, most people tend to travel along the same road. There will always be malcontents and those should be herded away as soon as possible, before the forum dives into utter chaos. Anyways, not sure if my opinion is relevant to this particular thread, and if it isn't then the Mods are free to move it to wherever or even delete it if they wish. Just tossing my 2 bits on the table...
Thread: Is this the new O.T. forum? | Forum: Community Center
Help me, I'm addicted to the EDIT button...
Someone stop me before I use it AGAIN!! Damn, too late...
Message edited on: 05/15/2004 02:12
Thread: Is this the new O.T. forum? | Forum: Community Center
I don't see how you can have a Politically Correct Forum where no one gets offended unless A) It's regulated heavily 24/7/365 and/or B) the topics are tightly regulated.
Of course, the Admins for Renderosity have the right to set up or dismantle any part or all of the website however they see fit.
From my own experience, whenever you have those who crave high levels of attention by either being obnoxious and repulsive or who appear high minded and morally superior, just ignoring them renders them powerless after awhile, and then off they go in search of new prey.
Damn shame the OT forum had to be shut down.
Once again, I miss all the excitement!! Hrmph...
God, dial up internet sucks. Must get DSL.. Must get DSL..
Message edited on: 05/15/2004 02:09
Message edited on: 05/15/2004 02:10
Thread: Listen up you sonsabitches | Forum: Community Center
walks in wearing a long hooded robe
Beware the Ides of March.. Beware the Ides of.. Oh, wait, wrong forum.. Sorry..
shuffles off to Starbuck's and orders an Expresso Latte Hmm.. there HAVE been some changes since I was last here..
Message edited on: 05/15/2004 01:45
Thread: ~clears her thoat~there is an illness in the poser{and all}galleries. | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
My HERO.. takes the scone proof vest graciously Well, that's why I was thinking of having another box you can check, for those who really would like some constructive comments, so that others who do happen to find your stuff, will know what kind of comments to leave. Anyways, it's just a suggestion..
Thread: Thumbnails P5 Sr4 Tip | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: ~clears her thoat~there is an illness in the poser{and all}galleries. | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: ~clears her thoat~there is an illness in the poser{and all}galleries. | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Attached Link: http://www.renderosity.com/gallery.ez?ByArtist=Yes&Artist=Sir%5FMikal
Thank you, Mason for your post. After reading it, I damn near choked from spitting my drink all over my monitor and then I had to clean it up.. (Psst.. you owe me a Dr. Pepper for that).. :-) Before continuing, I ask those in the front row to refrain from throwing scones at me till I've finished.. I've been popping in and out of this site for a couple of years, finally getting the nerve to post something in the gallery. I may get a bunch of comments, I may not get any, I may get some constructive comments (which I'm hoping for) or I may get some yahoos just wanting to kiss my butt (I shower daily, just for that reason). If I don't get any comments, that's fine, as I do have a couple of people I do share with, but I know I can't get any better unless that group expands, and I'm hoping to add a few 'art crtics' to my list. If I get a lot of comments which include vigorus butt kissing, those immediately go in the garbage, I know I'm good, the point in posting is I want to be BETTER. I think it just might be a good idea to have seperate galleries for those who really DO want some constructive comments, or have a box you can check signifying constructive comments only, so those viewing your page will know what to post. Possibly set up an index listing (not a gallery, an index, like what's shown when you click on the member list) of those particular pictures, where people can browse through and post comments. For those who're just posting to post.. go for it, but don't waste my time if you're just wanting someone to fawn over you. I appreciate a good picture like everyone else, but I'm not going to comment on something where my comments aren't really wanted. I prefer to give my comments to those who really desire to become better. For those interested, I've placed the link to my gallery in here to my picture.. You all are welcome to bash me there. Before I finish, I just have one more thing to say... *Escapes before the furious onslaught of scones begins*Thread: What's your monitor resolution? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: What's your monitor resolution? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
17" Flat Monitor at 1024x768 Generally most people viewing your site will have that, but it would be better to design it for 800x600, as that's the recommended size for most websites. What I did for mine, is set up 3 tables, where the picture stays in the middle, but the side tables can expand depending on the resolution of whoever's viewing it. I try keeping my site simple because it's easier to maintain, and it's easier on the eyes. If you're thinking about using Flash, make it so it adds to your site, not distract from it. I'm always reminded of that acronym, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), when I work on my site. You're designing a website, not auditioning to work on George Lucas's next Star Wars flick. Keep in mind what you're building your site for, always (Yes, I've been sucked into the web graphics wormhole myself). As far as browsers, IE 6.0 is what most people use (I personally feel Netscape is crap), but I also use Opera as well as Mozilla for testing my site. It'll also help having something on the front page, specifying which browsers your site was tested on. If you're going to make your website 1024x768, make sure you have your required screen resolution showing, so those who view the site will know (and save them from thinking their computer is possessed). Good luck to you.. :-)
Thread: OT....But I am a "Granma!" | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
I love the rendering on the baby, terrific textures, are props included? LoL, sorry, just kidding.. Hey, congrats to becoming a grandma, your grandaughter looks adorable, now all that's left is to have fun in spoiling the lil rascal.. :-)
Thread: By Popular Demand | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
At least you can get yours to do porn, mine just creates pictures of Gizmo the Gremlin wearing a tutu.. Hey, that script doesn't come with sound files does it, cause I swear everytime I render an image using the thing, I can hear something pop out of my speakers saying "Ut Oh".. I'm checking the readme file again.. Maybe I installed it wrong..
Thread: merchant advice | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quite a few excellent suggestions there. As a user (not a merchant, unfortunately), I look at a few things, when deciding what purchase to make. First, "Need (or Want)".. I agree with most here, there are so many Poser items available covering a broad spectrum, it's hard to try to strike a balance between something that's specialized, but general enough that a good chunk of people will purchase your product. You do the best you can. If your product is along the similar lines of other merchants here (or other sites) try to add or do something a bit different to make your product stand out. That's where Add-on packs can become important. I may see a product and think it's not something I want, only to come back a month later and see an add-on that I DO want. I'll have to buy the original pack, so I can have the add-on. I know of some merchants here who are more successfull with a product after adding add-on packs then with the original item itself. Promos are especially important because it gives me some idea of what I can use the product for. It may be a really great product, but if the promo pictures are awful, my opinion is that the product will most likely be awful as well. Try to get some good artists to volunteer their time to help create some good promos, especially if they're artists that you or other people enjoy seeing. Second, "Quality".. I have to say, having freebies does help in getting some idea about the quality of the work. If I have problems with the freebie, I'm sure not going to plunk down money for a product from the same merchant. However, if I love the freebie, and I'll be the first to admit it doesn't always mean I'll purchase a product, it DOES mean that I'll keep you in mind and check back on any new products you have available. It's nice to make a quick buck, but the really good merchants work on building, keeping, and expanding their customer base, and freebies can help in doing that by showing people what kind of quality work you can do. Third, "Support".. If I have a question about something I purchased and need help, the merchant is the first person I want to talk with. They designed it, I expect they'll have some idea of how to help me fix whatever problem I'm having. I don't expect a response 5 mins later after sending out an email to them (and I do recommend getting an email account specifically for customer support of your Poser merchandise), but I do expect a response within a reasonable amount of time. It may be the problem I'm having is with Poser, and if so, having the merchant able to point me in the right direction to finding a solution scores big points for them in my book. If it is a problem I'm having with the merchant's product itself, I want an answer, an upgrade of the product, or my money back. If I feel they're really sincere in wanting to help me with my problem, hey, I'll even HELP them figure out what's wrong and even work with them in finding a solution. Fourth, "Price".. I expect the price to be reasonable. If it's a good product, easy to use, high quality, and I get the support I need, I'll pay the extra bucks. It may be the product is a bikini for Vickie 3.0, and it may be a cool looking bikini, but if it only comes with 1 texture and the price is $30, I'm not buying. Especially if I can get my hands on an bikini that almost as good but comes with 5 textures, and is priced at $10. Know your market. If bikinis are usually priced at around $10, it's safe to say you can price yours at the same rate, maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more, depending on what's all included with your product. Bottom line, if you're wanting to release a product and thinking you'll get rich on just one item, it most likely won't happen. The good merchants on here have been here for years, have several products released during the time they've been here, are known to have good customer service, and are reasonable in their pricing. It seems intimidating, and a lot of hard work (which it can be), but you'll also get some tremendous rewards from it, and have quite a bit of fun as well. Just throwing out some food for thought. Good luck with your item, btw, looking forward to checking it out.
Thread: Poser's Role In Psycho Theraphy and Psychiatry | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Just passing through when I caught this post, part of which made me laugh (the funny ones like dlk30341's), and part of it made me think (like Trairius's). I don't think there is any simple way to answer this question especially with people being the complicated little things we are. You can have one person making Poser pics all day long of all sorts of fantasy images and if faced with the possiblity of having something like that in real life, would cringe. On the other hand, you can have another person look at that same artist's image, and go off on a killing spree. I feel the prime thing is 'Interpretation', how one person's view of something is interpretated by another, and we're nowhere near discovering how we can break that down to something anyone can understand. But I do agree with Triarius, we are all (meaning as individuals and society in general) ultimately responsible for ourselves. The tricky question is how far should that responsiblity go on a personal and social level, and how deep? I'm afraid there's no easy answer. I do know one thing from experience, Poser CAN induce violent episodes.. Aww, my render's lost.. the #($*%^%# thing just craped out on me AGAIN!! unleashes Gorgo, the 600lb gorilla, and points to his computer. Giving a wild cry of delight, Gorgo grabs the computer off the desk, and begins dancing on it, smashing it to pieces Good boy, Gorgo, cage.. Now.. watches Gorgo walk back into his cage, flipping him a treat from his pocket before locking him up again, then reaches for the Sunday ads Now, if you'll excuse me all, I have another computer to buy..
It would be nice to have it shown in the 'Notes and Requirements' if they would add a note stating their site has bandwith limitations. Usually though, if I see an item that's not available, I assume it's a dead link. There's gotta be a way to check for active links once every 24 hours, and for those with bandwith issues, move those links to possibly a different freebie catagory. Yes, I know, it's more work, but it sure would speed up browsing, so I can have more time to make comments in the Forum pages.. :-)
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Thread: Personal Attack Matrix | Forum: Community Center