59 threads found!
Thread | Author | Replies | Views | Last Reply |
noggin | 2 | 99 | ||
noggin | 7 | 253 | ||
noggin | 18 | 368 | ||
noggin | 18 | 257 | ||
noggin | 18 | 1054 | ||
noggin | 24 | 483 | ||
noggin | 9 | 165 | ||
noggin | 18 | 372 | ||
noggin | 21 | 485 | ||
noggin | 10 | 259 | ||
noggin | 22 | 559 | ||
noggin | 15 | 314 | ||
noggin | 15 | 394 | ||
noggin | 3 | 146 | ||
noggin | 6 | 382 |
547 comments found!
Nope! Ordered on first UK day and still no news! I read in a different thread a date of 17th was expected but don't know the truth. The desperation is made all the worse by the increasing number of threads of folks 'over there's' first experiences. I reckon their should be an embargo until we've ALL got our copies (not really_its good to read of peoples excitement tho a little depressing to read the 'negatives' 'I wan' it all, I wan' it now!'
Thread: Anbody seen a posable rat? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
There is a fixed model rat by De Espona (?) over on Turbosquid. I'm not sure the spellings right but search on Rat and it you'll find it. Can't remember the format but it is free and a good model.
Thread: Help on Gloves | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: Help on Gloves | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Geep_ you just stuck your hand in a barrel of oil! you cheated!! An your Ma will kill you!
Thread: P5 Cloth Animation | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Oh wow Poserpro! Thats even more impressive than CL dancing dress. I cannot wait till P5 'arrives' in UK
Thread: MIKE takes a long trip to ancient Greece.. | Forum: MarketPlace Showcase
Thread: noggin | Forum: MarketPlace Showcase
Hi Richard just noticed this here_ you've got it now, the wait is over. Ron got distracted by his new P5 (bless his cotton socks) Cotton feet??! Hobbit feet in Poser5.. sorry mind wandering..here in UK no P5 until the 17th! Its not fair all you guys across the pond getting a head start.
Thread: Poser directories and egos | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
User and vendor here. Its interesting the differing views here. I'm an inveterate downloader and guess like most of you have now got unmanageable directories. I think if it wasn't for the promise of library heaven in P5 I would be seriously thinking of converting to a categorised rather than artist based structure. We will see if P% makes things any easier. In defence of vendors I really don't think its an ego thing_ more a 'following convention' thing. But I think some of you guys have a valid gripe_ with the explosion of available stuff its getting out of hand! Leather_Guy, again this obj thing isn't a laziness issue.. Its that flipping Pro Pak that (I believe) recreates the obj. in the library structure..When I uploaded some of my earlier models (with my obj in 'geometries' I was informed by the tester that I should put my obj.'s in the library files. I had assumed (and carried on in blissful ignorance)that it did'nt make any practical difference, but am happy to be educated if anybodies got any comments.
Thread: ALINA free to download | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: ALINA free to download | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Cath many thanks for this lovely texture and also for the collection of props which are superb. I see you are a plant studio enthusiast as well!(sorry off topic!)
Thread: hourglass anyone? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Thread: hourglass anyone? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Attached Link: http://www3.mistral.co.uk/nigelpickering/index.html
I have a free hour glass in my 'downloadable resources' section. Its in DFX format and about 133kb_your welcome if its what you were looking for.Thread: Statement | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
What's the problem here!!! Ok its a drag having to go through this rigmarole_ BUT you know why its thought neccessary??!! Its because some arseholes out there think that free and warez stuff is somehow their god given right. And sure there will be hackers and other criminals out there who have the system cracked within days-but it'll stop the casual warez user who thinks he's doing no harm to anyone.Bullshit. The guys at CL have families and livings to make just like other decent folk.If the company thrives our community thrives. If its undermined by idiots who think a free copy is a great wheeze then we all lose.If you are going to boycott the product because the company is trying to protect your investment, well, more fool you. I for one am happy for CL to make sure that all users are legitimate(in both senses of the word!)
Thread: Yes indeed, Poser 5 is shipping! | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
whooopa KUPA..super dooper__ sorry the excitements making me daft. I second all those cheers. I have to say that I for one have appreciated all the input that you and the CL team have put in to these forums over these last few months. Your excitement in the product and your willingness to engage in the community has said a lot about your philosophy. May CL and the team go form strength to strength. No doubt when we've all got our deliveries and had a chance to explore there be a lot of praise and I guess some moans but all that goes towards pushing the product forward.
Thread: 18th Century Clobber for Mike: New in the MP | Forum: MarketPlace Showcase
I hope so_ Ron Molina (who's testing for me) has just spotted a missing bump map file_ so I've just uploaded to him again and mailed him. So if the poor hard-pressed guy isn't too busy (and he doesn't find anything else) I'm hopeful. You could always get both sets ;-) he! he!
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Thread: Anyone got Poser 5 in UK Yet? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL