ok so many times i see models created in cg look so cg one of the things i think would be cool is to find these things here discuss them and compile some cures the first that comes to my mind is Symetry (sp) more models are ruined by this than any other thing (besides lighting ) I thought it would be a cool project to get everyone to find a pic of a girl or guy that you find atractive and split it up into a 4 photo shoot origional mirrored side Left an Right and one in which you alter the symetry yourself from a mirrored image heres one example from me Also in the end it would be cool to take the one atractive feature from your image and seperate it off be it the nose ear eye etc and we will make some images from it in the end to see how a object that is buetiful on one face may change on another I hope to get some good feed back on this thread in the end i may do a tutorial on head modeling wiht the templates we create !