How to view :
You have to go crosseyed!
The idea is to cross your eyes whilst still maintaining focus on the two images until they blend together to form one image in your view.
Some people (like me luckily!) are naturally gifted with the ability to go crosseyed at will without anything to focus on. Others find it almost impossible.
For those who find it difficult, put your index finger close to your screen, then slowly draw it back towards your face but maintain focus on your finger!
When u get to the ideal crosseye position your brain should jump in when it sees the two images on the screen line up and say 'hey! its 3d!'.
Best viewed from about a foot away, any closer and you will strain an eye muscle trying to maintain focus :)
(I plan on doing many renders this way, as I find the 'fake' 3d adds realism to a picture and also is very easy to create digitally! :)
Soluble Hamster
The one, the only, dissolvable rodent.