Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Where can I get "PhiFactory"?

bernieloehn opened this issue on Jan 28, 2003 ยท 7 posts

bernieloehn posted Tue, 28 January 2003 at 7:04 AM

Hello, does anybody know from where I can get the program "PhiFactory"? I had already had a look at as many tutorials suggest to look for but did not find it there. BTW: "PhiBuilder" seems not be the totally satisfying alternative because it tells you very soon that it is out of memory capacity. Many thanks in advance. Bernie

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;- ) Bernie

SAMS3D posted Tue, 28 January 2003 at 7:40 AM

I use PhiBuilder, (I love it), what don't you like with it? I will see about PhiFactory to help though...Sharen

SAMS3D posted Tue, 28 January 2003 at 7:44 AM

I can't seem to find it either....I don't know what I would do with PhiBuilder....I have used it with, '98, 'ME and XP, never once had a problem. Sharen

vilters posted Tue, 28 January 2003 at 8:26 AM here you can find Roy Riggs utilities Tony

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SAMS3D posted Tue, 28 January 2003 at 8:47 AM

Yes, that is for PhiBuilder, not PhiFactory though...Sharen

Ajax posted Tue, 28 January 2003 at 3:48 PM

I can't tell you where it is but I've used both PhiFactory and PhiBuilder. Stick with PhiBuilder. PhiFactory has more problems. The PHI files it creates are often not recognised by poser for example. I've never seen PhiBuilder run out of memory. What on earth are you doing with it? BTW Bushi is a member here and you can always send him an IM to ask where you can get it. The author of PhiBuilder is also a member and his nick is fur if you want to check with him about your Builder problems.

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maclean posted Tue, 28 January 2003 at 3:59 PM

I've used PhiBuilder for years and never had it run out of memory. I can't imagine how it could, unless the .obj was HUGE. Is PhiFactory the non-free one? I have vague memories of either not wanting to buy it, or using it and not liking it. mac