Forum: Photography

Subject: Carli

Mike_Panic opened this issue on Feb 03, 2003 ยท 4 posts

Mike_Panic posted Mon, 03 February 2003 at 2:28 PM

Attached Link: v3.0

i recently did a fashion photoshoot w/ Carli, she's a pleasure to work with, and gave me the oppertunity to shoot some fashion stuff... all b&w, color shoot will come in a few weeks. more photos of her are on my site... comments are always welcomed

Misha883 posted Mon, 03 February 2003 at 8:30 PM

Oh sure! Over here you post just the motorcycle, and leave off the ornamentation...

DHolman posted Tue, 04 February 2003 at 5:04 AM

Mike - I like the simplicity of this. Very natural ... she looks like she will be fun to shoot and create with. I think the odd shadow on her cleavage(where the shirt opens up) is distracting. Maybe a softbox or something from above and in front of her to knock that shadow down? -=>Donald

Mike_Panic posted Tue, 04 February 2003 at 5:09 AM

Attached Link: v3.0

hmm, good call, now if i could only afford prof lighting and a soft box, lol... i think ill just hit it w/ the dodge tool in photoshop, heh