Ok, I tried every type of light and what finally worked to a degree was using spotlights with the following settings: Color: RGB 255 pure white Softness: 45 Spread: 90 Falloff: 99 Power: Depends on scene I used 25 for render attached I placed a 100 pure transparent box on the object(the 4 wheeler)and named it DUMMY Next I made a half dome of 60 spotlights with the above settings. Now the tricky part. I selected all the spotlights and selected to TRACK the DUMMY object. At this point I got a warning that some lights whereblah blah blah.. I clicked ok. This is important becuase if all lights point at your object it wont work. ??? Anyway, In the preview window I still had the freaking pink problem but when I did a FINAL render the image came out looking like attached pic. So curious I did an Ultra render. The pink was back. So as long as you do no higher than a Final render it will do exactly as it should. Once you do higher a bug kicks in and starts throwing a pink hue around. Personally I think there is a bug in the light coloring and pure white is not considered pure white by the raytracer. But for now this will work until a better solutioncomes along.