These two lightsabre-type weapons are not included in my Ultimate Lightsabre package, nor are they available on my Free Stuff at all. Nor do I intend to make them available except in contests. You have a chance to win both of them. There will be two winners, with two different contests. Contest 1: Make a picture using my new JICC 3000 figure ($5 in the RMP if you don't have him yet). Put it up in the Poser gallery, credit me for JICC, and post a link to it here. The one I like best will get these two lightsabres. Contest 2 (No purchase necessary version): Tell me the official names of both of the lightsabres, spelled correctly as they appear in the source material that the designs are based on, and also tell me what the sources are. Here's a hint: neither has anything to do with Star Wars or any movie at all. Here's another hint: The reflection maps used on each are appropriate to the setting -- if you have products or Free Stuff of mine using these reflection maps, you should be able to identify them from the pic and that becomes a BIG hint. Third hint: They are really REALLY obscure and based only on line drawings.