'Milady,' said the droid, 'we *must* get you home. You're very intoxicated.' ''M'not intossi.. intissoc... antisoca... Um not frunk!' insisted Lady V. 'M'juss having fun.' 'You *are* drunk, milady. Your blood alcohol level is far too high, and compared to your current glucose levels you shouldn't even be awake. And you *shaved your head*.' 'Shaved heazz are all th'rage in.. in Bra-brazil. Y'see, thass whass wrong with you robotses, see,' muttered Lady V in return, with an air of sincere pride in her debating skills, 'you don' think ousside th' boskxs..ss. You 'ssume that me sstumblin' is cause 'm frunk busee, frunk... drunked is when you dranked too much alc-ch-ch-hol. I am way more than frunk! I rode a charge, an' I ate somathese new nano-nano--whatever agenss, they can keep ya feelin' gooood for a *long* time cause they goes with their liiittle ittybitty selves right into the ple-pleasure centre of the brain and give off these 'lectric dis--dis..' 'Discharges.' JICC finished for her, as Lady V slumped into a resltess slumber. 'Just what I needed.' This picture bears some explanation, as it's made as a mini-tut. Someone I was in conversation with rcently pointed out that my 'always the same reflection map' has exceptions. For instance, the way fabric reflects is different than the way metal and smooth surfaces reflect it. So I'll explain how the above image was done in a few steps.