Hi, gang -- I've been working on a project for work that has been giving me some strange problems. I'm hoping someone can answer this question. The attached image (sorry it's so big -- smaller resolution wouldn't show the details necessary) is a frame from an animation for a video. Notice the "strange blocky artifacts" indicated by the lines? It may be hard to tell from the still, but there are these strange, square areas that change the texture of the terrain in the render. As the camera floats over the scene, the blocks move. There are also some odd linear artifacts within the blocks (which you can see just to the right of the left indicating line -- almost look like TV scan lines), and these linear artifacts change with the blocks. When I say the blocks move or change, it's kind of like the "garbage mattes" you might remember from the old release of Star Wars or from old episodes of Battlestar Galactica -- where blocky shapes (although in this render, the blocks always have 90 degree angles) move around space-ship models that fly through scenes? Am I ringing bells in anybody's head here? My question is, what's causing this? I've rendered the scene with the hybrid renderer. I never had problems like this in RDS using the hybrid. Any ideas? I'd be most appreciative of any help I get. Thanks! Dex