A common old complaint, but none of the old fixes work. I've been working on a picture the last 4 days. I was trying to use just about all the Robot figures I've accumulated recently in one pic, plus I had an image of a Cyber-Goth figure of a skeletal figure with tons of rusty Cyber enhancements. The picture was 95% finished 2 days ago. I had been running test-renders every 3 or 4 modifications with no problems. I nearly had the whole thing finished. After running a final test-render, I tweaked the camera angle slightly, added a spotlight to highlight the sign, and added 2 Nano-Bugs from Traveler's PropsClub. I paused to take a final screen-cap of my setup and a final PZ3 save, and With a sigh of relief I clicked the Render button. The sigh turned into a groan as the much-dreaded "Memory is running low" box sprang into view. I'd never encountered the problem before, but I tried everything I've read about in the Forums. I'm on WinXP with 1 Gig of memory in a 2.66Ghz P4 with 250Gig-plus of hard-drive (over 100 Gig available). I defragged. I tried setting virtual memory to a fixed 4 Gig, setting it for Windows to manage it, and 7 or 8 variations between the extremes. I tried it with RamIdle and MaxMem active (separately) and with just running it before clicking render. I went thru all my XP processes and turned off all but 4. I turned off all my Startup & Run apps and processes. None of these worked. I re-positioned the camera so I could simplify the scene. I deleted 3 of the 7 lights in the scene. I deleted 7 of the 20 or so robots. I reassigned the refl map to a smaller map. I kept trying renders periodically after every few adjustments and nothing helps. I tried re-loading an old 120Meg PZ3 from the birth announcement pic I did, and it rendered flawlessly, 40% faster than before due to all the tweaking, so I'm sure it's not a corrupted Poser (P4/PPP, by the way) installation. I loaded the 3 component PZ3's I'd made while preparing the full scene (1 scene plus cyber-corpses, and 2 with different preliminary robot setups). and they all rendered fine. I'm at a loss. Anyone know how to import a PZ3 into Vue 4 to render? After 2 days of this, I'm starting to feel "frustrated". Any suggestions? Thanks for any help....