Welp, I decided to go with the most Cliche'd quest of all. The holy grail. And no this is nothing like what the final will be. I modeled the whole thing in bryce using metaballs spheres cubes etc. This is just a test render of the grail. I have big plans for it that I am not releasing yet. The grail still needs some detailing. I am going to encrust it with rings of diamonds and work on making it flow better. Further info: Though the holy grail is religiously refered to as a bowl or dish as in the form "grata" (origination in latin) I decided to go with the chalice design. The main reason being I don't think the majority of people picture it as a bowl, and two, this is more interesting. The render is premium, lighting needs work, 1 hour 20 minutes with dof and true ambiance.