I drank to much coffee. this is a trick I use that some of you might find helpful. The trick is to have many objects all sharing the same portions of the texture map. A tree is a good example. 1) Create a single face sqaure of say four polygons. 2) Uv map it to upper left corner of a map. 3) Create a leaf texture and a trans for this 4) Import into Poser, save into library. 5) Export out of Poser and Import into modelling program 6) Create morphs for curves and bend(say 3 shape morphs) 7) Back in Poser Load leaf from library and add all the morphs. 8) Save back into library 9) Repeat steps 1-8 with a cylider but uv map into upper RIGHT corner. Edit leaf texture to add wood texture in upper right corner for branches. Create morphs for variouse bending and such 10) Load the same texture map onto this new 'branch prop', along with morphs and save to library. Now the fun part One by one add the leaves and branches into the scene. As you go morph each one differently as position it in place. Keep adding, morphing and positioning until it looks like you want it to. Then..... 1)Export it all as a .obj 2)Reimport 3)Add Texture 4)Save to library End Result: A tree where every leaf is mapped to the upper left hand corner and every branch is mapped to the right. 1000's of polygons using one map. This is how I created the curly hairstyle. Because the hair was maped before they were morphed 'shaped' in Poser, the integrity of the texture is intact. The applications for this are endless and allow the mapping of props normally impossible to map. If this catches on, can we call this the Anton Method. I've always been jeleous of Morbius. Anton