Forum: Community Center

Subject: a new formm of rating

puredigital101 opened this issue on May 30, 2000 ยท 17 posts

puredigital101 posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 2:27 PM

I had an idea the other day to stop all the bickering over ratings why not make the rating part Anon leave the comments in place but have like a top 100 chart etc where you can look up your placing to see how many votes you are getting and ranking etc for each bit of art you submit,each member that reachs top ten satus would be entered in to the highst racking section maybe this invoves to much programing I but I would love to hear what the rest of you think

DigitalArtist posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 2:47 PM

hey yeah...kinda like a secret ballot type thing..I like it! -Matt

Lestat posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 3:33 PM

This idea I like. Not sure of the logistics of it but I think it is worth a shot.

alamo posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 3:40 PM

Works well for me- To me ratings are kinda dumb anyway-detracts from the work-. Criticism is good as long as it in honest & constructive.

nnuu posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 5:17 PM

i kinda like the idea but we kinda already have such a system but its not the top 100 its the most viewed which i think needs some spring cleaning...its like impossible to beat the ones there already...which is why i like to see something new secret comments/reviews would be sweet...might encourage more members to comment but it also might not...its pretty much up to renderosity to decide nnuu

puredigital101 posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 7:41 PM

I wasn't saying the comments should be changed just the number from one to ten should be anon and go into a voting type system with a chart showing placing by voting it might stop some of the hate mail that has been sent out to some members for giving a low score, as no one will know who has voted for who or what

fu2jobu posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 10:57 PM

I think letting the rating be anonymous would encourage some jerks to crawl out of the woodwork. If they don't like a particualar person they will go around giving their work a 1 just for spite.

nnuu posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 11:06 PM

not if jack and ed know which member is the jerk nnuu

puredigital101 posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 11:31 PM

the jerks can only give you a low mark what harm is that going to do as the real people that matter will vote for what they like

CellarCat posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 11:38 PM

If it was based on total numbers of all your pic's, even a one would add to your total rating not bring it down. The only thing the jerk could do is not comment if he didn't want to add to your total and that works too. I like it and hope it works out and we can lose the per pic ratings.

KateTheShrew posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 11:51 AM

I'm still trying to understand why ratings are such a big deal anyway. Comments, yes, as they can help you to see things in a different perspective that you can bring to your next work, but ratings? PUHLEEEEZE...I left that sort of thing behind when I graduated High School. Kate (who will not post a rating on any image from this day forward)

CellarCat posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 3:13 PM

A big gold star for Kate. I agree with you but since so many people seem to have a need for this sort of thing, this new idea might give us more honest results. I have no plans to enable ratings on my pics and haven't been rating others for a couple of weeks now. Call me a wimp if you like but that's not what art is about to me. I do hope that if they decide to implement this new system that this time we're given the option of not including a rating with our comments.

versionthirteen posted Thu, 01 June 2000 at 3:01 PM

I say we get rid of raitings all together, they are lame! how can a number represent your feelings towards a piece of art, maybe if this were a site dedicated to high dives or figure skating numbers would be good but then we would just have to deal with those east german judges... yours truly Edward James Almos

Lestat posted Thu, 01 June 2000 at 3:16 PM

Bravisimo versionthirteen. Well said, well spoken!

CharlieBrown posted Thu, 01 June 2000 at 3:40 PM

Uh, V13, what about IMAGES of Figure Skating or High Diving? :-)

versionthirteen posted Thu, 01 June 2000 at 9:56 PM

I give charlie brown a 6 on artistic impression a 4 for skill and a 7.8 for pepermint paddy love, Spencer for Hire

Darth_Logice posted Sat, 03 June 2000 at 6:43 PM

Oy, again with the ratings! Still, it's a really good idea, best yet that I've heard for the ratings system. I think the rating thing fails though for one reason: Not enough categories. To really rate an image, numbers should be given for A. Color usage B. Content C. Composition D. Execution or some such things. Plus, Images should be judged by their genre. A photo-realistic render that makes your jaw drop should not be compared to an abstract or a Plastic render. -darth_Logice