Hi all, The subject of torus problems seems to come up pretty frequently. The torus tool has it's own special set of "gotcha's" if used incorrectly, namely square shapes instead of round ones. However, you can create objects with the torus that you can't create any other way. I've put together a quick, 20 minute model where the rim and tire are created with a torus. (The tire and rim have been quickly drawn in the the spline modeler so there are some imperfections in them) I have the best luck with a torus diameter greater than the default one that pops up. I then move the object profile around until I get the shape that I want. Download the file and play with the toruses to see what works and what doesn't. The treads are spline objects instead of bump maps. (Geez I hate bad tread on tires) Actually, everything in this image is a spline object. The splines keep the files small and completely editable. It does us the free Lost Horizon shaders on the tire so if you haven't pick up the free shader pack from http://www.LostHorizonSoftware.com now's your chance. Hope that this helps out! Mark