Forum: Bryce

Subject: transparency

Rita opened this issue on Jun 02, 2000 ยท 10 posts

Rita posted Fri, 02 June 2000 at 4:41 AM

I have a bmp that I would like to get into Bryce3 but I would like the white background to be transparent. Please tell me how this can be done.

Zottel1 posted Fri, 02 June 2000 at 11:53 AM

After you've loaded your bmp in the Material-Editor, you have to search for a little Triangle above the Color settings.If your Mouse is on it, it says Materialoptions in the upper right part of the Material-Editor.Click on it.In the second Row of the Menue it says something like cutout Transparency- click on it. After that, click on the transparency row in the Optic section and choose texture A. It should work now.

Rita posted Fri, 02 June 2000 at 2:04 PM

Thanks. Will try it.

Hawkfyr posted Fri, 02 June 2000 at 6:53 PM

Hi Rita, Be sure to load the picture into the alpha channel(second window) in the picture editor. use this image to drive the transparency channel, try bump channel too.and select Blend transparency as Zottle1 said. Hawkfyr

“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

Rita posted Sat, 03 June 2000 at 6:15 AM

Doesn't work. The entire image is transparent. The only reference to transparency in the materials editor (with little triangle) is Blend transparency. No cutout. I might be missing something. Remember too, I have Bryce 3.

Hawkfyr posted Sat, 03 June 2000 at 9:16 AM

Hi Rita, Did you get the patch for Bryce 3? are you using the image to drive the diffuse channel also? Hawkfyr

“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

Rita posted Sat, 03 June 2000 at 10:15 AM

Where do I get the patch? Diffuse channel? Don't know what you're talking about. I'm a very limited in knowledge Bryce user.I can tell you I have 2 images both in PSP6. Both bitmaps. Works with one and not the other and can't figure it out.

Zottel1 posted Sun, 04 June 2000 at 1:45 PM

Hi Rita, since I have the German Version of Bryce there are some Translaton-Mistakes happening.It's not cutout, it's blend transparency (I checked my english Bryce Book).Don't do anything with the transparency-Slider, leave it on 0. Like hawkfyr said, it is important to load your Image in the second Window of the "Picture-Editor", too.It must work now.I don't think that is has something to do with a Patch, but you can get it on the Metacreatoins Website. You'll make it.

Hawkfyr posted Sun, 04 June 2000 at 5:43 PM

Oh My Gawd, I sent a very long reply to this and it somehow did'nt make it. lets see if I can get it close. If you did the above with the 2nd window in the pic.editor and if you put a little bean (Marrble or whatever you wanna call it) in the A colums (try differnt ones.(Diffuse,Ambience,Transparency,bump ect.) doing this will "Drive" those Channels. if it still doesnt work,then you may have to solve your problem in PSP(create a transparency channel). I looked at meta's site and couldnt find the patch for Bryce 3 anymore. the site basically redirects you to Corel's site but it only Has the Bryce 4 Patch. If you find the patch, make sure you have a CD or you wont be able to use Bryce "AT ALL". ... Man....Yesterday's version was much better... Don't cha hate it when that happens? Hawkfyr

“The fact that no one understands you…Doesn’t make you an artist.”

Rita posted Mon, 05 June 2000 at 3:59 AM

Problem solved. Created a mask in PSP. Works good. Thanks for helping.