Forum: Photography

Subject: hmmmm

spiderwebb opened this issue on May 14, 2003 ยท 22 posts

spiderwebb posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 2:29 PM

what should I do? Mind you he won't just sit still for you, the minute you put him down he's off & running...what's the best way to get "the" shot?

Disciple3d posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 2:37 PM

What a neat looking creature!

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Michelle A. posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 2:42 PM

Oh wow is he cool or what! All I can think of is balancing him on something just slightly off the ground? So that his legs almost touch but he can't walk. But then he might topple over and get hurt?

I am, therefore I create.......

FlipFlop posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 2:54 PM

you could place ur camera where you want it then if possible use a pump (shutter) release, hold the subject in your hands and as soon as your ready put it down and once you've whipped ur hands away (asap) and using your foot press the release. an easier way is to get some one else to place it down where you want it as soon as u are ready and u take the picture once their hands are out of the frame. Although i think Michelle A's idea could be easier to pull off in the long run.

Michelle A. posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 2:59 PM

How about shooting him while he eats? Does he stay still for food? I also like FlipFlop's idea....

I am, therefore I create.......

FlipFlop posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 3:06 PM

How about using an extremely fast shutter speed. it wouldnt leave a blur of movement and if u timed it perfectly u could get it with all its feet touching the ground.

spiderwebb posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 3:14 PM

You guys are great...I forgot to include the point n shoot equipment factor (sony digital)....I really like the eating idea 'chelle..I'm going to try all of them & see what I get...hugs guys ~spidey

FlipFlop posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 3:16 PM

good luck shooting.

Michelle A. posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 3:17 PM

Kewl....don't forget to post the results!

I am, therefore I create.......

Akinom posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 3:27 PM

Good luck shooting ;o) want to see the results too! BTW a beautiful specimen!

JordyArt posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 4:52 PM

Eh? Spidey, I like this - I think it IS the shot!! (".)

spiderwebb posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 4:57 PM

I love how you can see the iris of his eye...but what if I bring him inside like this?

zhounder posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 8:06 PM

I love the first shot. it IS the shot. This last one, well I like the guy looking over his right shoulder! Magick Michael

doca posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 8:31 PM

Shoot him from the side and use the blur to indicate speed. That would be cool.

Misha883 posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 8:51 PM

I'd suggest superglue, but someone here might take me seriously. I waiting at the finish line with the rabbit.

spiderwebb posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 8:59 PM

lol @misha you waskly wabbit ;)

bsteph2069 posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 9:09 PM

I don't know. I think the first is the best. I think the second would be really cool if you had greater dof. Bsteph

randyrives posted Wed, 14 May 2003 at 9:52 PM

The 2nd one is good, but the 1st one has an attitude!

L8RDAZE posted Thu, 15 May 2003 at 11:05 AM

How bout VELCRO!!!! That should keep'em in place for a bit Hey... Has MURTLE there been sampling Chocolate Pudding & Peanut Butter by any chance!?!?!! OH BTW.... In case ya didn't notice...this guy has REPETTION written ALL OVER him!!!

spiderwebb posted Thu, 15 May 2003 at 11:25 AM

yes he does have that repetition thing going doesn't he? Little guy lets me scrub & scrub his face, but it never cleans up all the way...and then he's right back in the muck =>

starshuffler posted Fri, 16 May 2003 at 6:00 PM

Kewl! I want a house just like that! hehehe... Your little guy has lots of character. The first one is a nice portrait shot, the second one is a good one, too (it could use a little more DOF though). Well, those are good suggestions already. But if you want some lazybone advice you can take a couple of steps back so you get more space in the frame in case he runs away. Hehehe ;-) (you can always crop later) Don't forget to post results, eh? ;-) (*

cynlee posted Sun, 18 May 2003 at 7:29 PM

finally, catching up in the forum- pretty cool looking character- he's not shy at all! the one that came by the house wouldn't budge, found him wedged in a tomatoe cage, i had to put him back outside the yard faced in the direction of the creek- a good mile away- i have some of those stone creatures too! :D