SnowSultan opened this issue on Jun 01, 2003 ยท 9 posts
SnowSultan posted Sun, 01 June 2003 at 5:54 PM
Hi. For some reason, I'm just drawing a blank on this...hopefully one of you can remind me. :) How do you make parent lights to the camera so that they continue to shine on the figure when you reposition the camera? I actually have lights that do this that I made myself, but whenever I select a light now, the Parent button is always grayed out. Did I just forget an obvious method or is something not quite right? Also, does anyone know if there happens to be a V3 hybrid figure with Victoria 3's head on Michael's body? I looked in Free Stuff here but didn't find one, although I don't remember ever seeing one for sure. Thanks a lot. :) SnowS 1001 Words
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