Forum: Fractals

Subject: Tommy 3D's innocent mistake

SkyBlueHope opened this issue on Jun 06, 2003 ยท 5 posts

SkyBlueHope posted Fri, 06 June 2003 at 9:19 PM

Wow, that was quite a long thread, didn't need to read every post to see what was going on. He made an innocent mistake. I also have that program, Chaos Pro, and Visions Of Chaos...(same people I think created those)... Anyway, I once made a mistake and posted a fractal that wasn't "worked with", and it was promptly deleted, but I learned from it, and fortunately, didn't have to suffer such serious backlash, or if there were any negative posts, I never saw them, because the image was deleted. Anyway, that thread was locked, so I hope it's okay that I post one short opinion here. He made an innocent mistake, and deserves respect and support, not negativity. Some people just take one little excuse and blow it all out of proportion. Tommy3D's been nothing but an excellent image maker/poster, as well as very supportive in the feedback he leaves me and a lot of other people on here, so whatever happened, he sure didn't deserve anything nasty or negative... In my humble opinion...thanks...:) Sincerely, SkyBlueHope

Wojteg posted Fri, 06 June 2003 at 10:41 PM

Why that tread was locked?!This is censorship,but it favor some persons(who could post) and disadvantege others(who could not post).I have read long text by MiDayCrisis,but I do not know if aartika did not want to respond or maybe She could not,because tread was locked. We should know the reason of lock and I do not see any one. Shame! Greetings..........Wojtek..........

aartika posted Sat, 07 June 2003 at 3:18 AM

Hi Wojtek,

The thread had been locked by the time I read MidDayCrisis's post. I would not have chosen to have made any public response to it in any case.

As SkyBlueHope has correctly pointed out, Tommy made an innocent mistake, and I reacted to it in an innappropriate way which caused unnecessary upset. I have apologised to him both publicly and privately, and he has accepted my apology in a very gracious and friendly manner. I have also apologised to the mod who deleted the comment I made under Tommy's image, which was also accepted in a friendly manner. Like most people, I am no angel, and also make mistakes from time to time.

Regards, Tina

aartika! fractal art by Tina Oloyede :

peapodgrrl posted Mon, 09 June 2003 at 7:20 AM

Attached Link:

You know, after seeing this ugly little drama play out more than once, I do not understand why formula writers make their formulae so readily available if they are going to have a cow every time someone uses it--wittingly or unwittingly. For crying out loud, if you are that proprietary about your parameters and formulas, keep them under lock and key and only take them out during a full moon, armed with a machete. I, too, have seen a few people run off from this place and others, because some bullies didn't have the class to question them privately about the images they--innocently-- posted. One woman swore off fractal art forever because of it; mortified by the response to her image, this newcomer to fractal art ran shrieking into the night because of a bullying job similar to this one. It's an ugly little tradition that I suspect many of us are tired of witnessing. I know I am. Mindy

firefly posted Mon, 09 June 2003 at 8:17 PM

which is exactly why I had origionally requested that a mod or an admin be contacted. And, for the record, I had been contacted but have been having my share and everyone else's share of bad connectivity karma this last while which prevented me from acting on things as quickly as I would have liked to. Keeping concerns such as these discrete usually pays off wonderful dividends such as people learning and understanding... on both sides of the fence. Please, I hope no one posts any more on this issue either way as it has had enough said. The end. ... me!? (firefly)