Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Soon to be free V3 character and texture - need distribution input

FyreSpiryt opened this issue on Jun 09, 2003 ยท 20 posts

FyreSpiryt posted Mon, 09 June 2003 at 9:21 PM

This is Rumiko, a character from one of the stories I am (ostensibly) writing. The texture is all my originial work except for the tatoo and brand. The brand is a highly altered one from a free set at (I think) RDNA, the dragon on her back is based off of an antique (late 18th/early 19th century) dragon robe and the blessing bats are from a copyright-free Dover book. The rest is all original. I've put so much work into her that she shouldn't be confined to my harddrive, so I'm going to give her away as a freebie, hopefully later this week. The catch is that the textures are quite large. All together, the zip file will probably be around 15MB. That's not a problem on my end, but I'm not sure about on the user's end. That's quite a download on a dial-up line. If I were to split it up into smaller packages, what would be an acceptable size? The other possibility I can think of is low-res versions of the textures, although I don't think reducing them will do very nice things to the tatoo and brand. Anyway, opinions on the best way to give Rumiko a chance to come out and play?

FyreSpiryt posted Mon, 09 June 2003 at 9:21 PM

A closer shot of her face and the brand I was talking about.

Spit posted Mon, 09 June 2003 at 10:14 PM

She's beautiful! What size pixel-wise are the textures? I'm on dialup and several times have gotten files that large. Takes from 45 minutes to an hour though and I wait 'til the rush is over which means if someone runs out of bandwidth, I don't get the file. But breaking it up into more files, if possible, would be much preferred. Again, she's lovely!

droyd posted Mon, 09 June 2003 at 11:54 PM

It's always a judgement call on quality versus file size but I'd definitely go for the quality version(s). There certainly could be a way to break up the files and somebody should be able to help with hosting them if you needed that.

majesticacronym posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 12:02 AM

Rumiko looks great - I would download it anytime at any size. But, I am a very patient person. I use dialup and most of the free files are between 1MB and 4MB, although some are 6MB, 7MB and even 14MB. But the purchased files are anywhere from 9MB to 25.5MB. The biggest I ever downloaded was 26.6MB. I hope some of these numbers help.

FishNose posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 3:09 AM

Wonderful! Being on DSL and being a quality nut, the bigger the better in my view. So any combination of files you like is fine. :] Fish

queri posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 3:12 AM

I have very slow DSL and something 7Mb or under would be best for me. Also a resumable downlad is optimum, but I dont know if yu have any choice on that. Three downloads seem to me the easiest for people to manage. The body, I assume will be the hardest and largest as well as the one that needs most to stay at high resolution. So, maybe first Body, 2nd Head and third eyes, trans, bump [jpg]MAt and MORInj if any. The texture looks very very fine from here. Congratulations on such beautiful work and how good it is of you to share it. Emily

dolfijntjes posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 4:51 AM

This looks very good for me it's no problem with cable and please don't reduce the texture that would be no good to the quality I guess

FyreSpiryt posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 7:01 AM

The body is 2000 X 2666, the head is 2942 X 2000, the eye is 1000 X 1000, teeth 1000 x 1000, and transmap 1024 x 1024. I messed around with JPG compression this morning, and I've theoretically got the total file size down to 5 or 6 megs without a noticeable loss in quality. (On the upside, I found an error in the bump map while I was playing. I didn't think those shoulder seams were right. ^_~) I still need to render with those versions to make sure they still look fine. Assuming they're OK, from there I think I can put the body tex and bump into 1 zip, the head into another, and the rest into a third and be between 1 and 2 megs per download. I'll just set up a product page and also have a single full zip available for those on high-speed connections. Luckily, hosting is not a problem. I've got webspace, and I'm supposed to have unlimited bandwidth. I haven't gotten to the point were they complain yet, so I'm not too worried. Thank you all so much for your compliments! I'm glad you like her! I still need to put together support files (INJ, REM, and MAT), but I hope to have her up later this week. :)

shogakusha posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 9:13 AM

She is beautiful, both her face and the body texture! I can see you put some serious work into Rumiko. Thanks for offering to share her with us!

Spit posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 9:35 AM

Sounds perfect! Oh, I am so looking forward to this! Thank you so very very much!

Phantast posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 10:03 AM

Lovely - I have one suggestion (which I'm afraid will inflate the file size even more) and that is to do a version of the skin texture without the tattoo and brand. (I assume that's trivially easy). Personally I find that tattoo excessively big!

Blazerwiccan posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 10:42 AM

She looks very beautiful, wonderful work. :) I love the tattoo but then again I love tattoos.

kobaltkween posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 12:18 PM

if it's not too much trouble, you might offer the pieces and a full set (ala project lara). but only if that wouldn't kill your bandwidth more or be a big annoyance.

FyreSpiryt posted Tue, 10 June 2003 at 5:16 PM

Phantast, I'm 99% sure the body art bits are on their own layers, so I can do a plain version too. I'll probably offer it as a separate add-on download to keep file size down.

Phantast posted Wed, 11 June 2003 at 5:00 AM

Wonderful - I thought they would be - I'm really looking forward! Thanks!

FyreSpiryt posted Wed, 11 June 2003 at 6:26 PM

Attached Link:

She'll be in freestuff here soon, but if you want to get her earlier, she's at the above link. The full zip ended up being only 4.86 MB (wow, it doesn't take much compression to go a long way). I also divided it into two 2.5-ish MB downloads for iffier connections. Please let me know if anything doesn't work for you. I'm a bit scatterbrained, so I'd like to know if I forgot something. Have fun with her! I'd love to see what you do with her. :)

Gareee posted Thu, 12 June 2003 at 2:11 PM

Actually, with that hairstyle, she looks the way Jim Carrey used to on "In living Color" as one of his sketch characters...

Way too many people take way too many things way too seriously.

Spit posted Thu, 12 June 2003 at 11:49 PM

I got them without a problem. Thank you! Got the files earlier today but had to unplug for T-storms the instant the last byte transferred or I would have posted a 'thanks' earlier. LOL

FyreSpiryt posted Fri, 13 June 2003 at 6:30 AM

We've been getting a lot of storms too. I guess it's just that time of year. Anyway, you're welcome. I hope you enjoy her.