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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 05 12:55 pm)
I cannot tell you how long I have wished and hoped for such a dove. The animation is absolutely breath-taking! She looks so real! Is there any chance of a ring-necked texture map? Of course I will be delighted, whatever kind of texture the dove has, but ring-necks are special to me. I had one once. :-) Kimberly
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Hi All_ couldn't resist putting up this little WIP. This is the project I'm currently working on_ a new Pigeon/Dove model. Its jam-packed with Easi-pose gubbins. The flying version comes with a passable wing fold dial but for the purists there's an alternative geometry version in 'folded' pose. At the moment there are 4 different texture MAT sets but if time and enthusiasm hold out there may be more to allow a flock :-) Here's an image of the white dove texture and if you follow the link (and are patient!!!!) there's an animated GIF of the pigeon in flight (its about 480k_ once all the frames are loaded you'll see the animation) Nigel