Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: 14 juillet

compiler opened this issue on Jul 14, 2003 ยท 17 posts

compiler posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 5:16 AM

Just a quick note to say today is the French national day and to wish all fellow frenchies a "joyeuse fete nationale".

gbdevo posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 7:29 AM

Thanks much, and it's very funny to see 'all french army' with 'La legion Etrangere' on 'Champs Elysees' in Paris. When I see that, it makes me smile and i ask me, what they are doing all the other days of the year ? ... Nota: If someone has a very beautifull costume of 'Legionnaire' for Mike (there is no vicki's legionnaire ;o) ), Tell Me.

SothArtist posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 7:59 AM

hehe My grandfather was stationed with the French Foreign Legion for a while during the WWII. He said the Brittish soldiers were allways being charged too much where ever they were in the war but he said when they were with the Foreign Legion their drinks and so forth all of a sudden got a lot cheaper lol

SothArtist posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 8:00 AM

Oh and happy French national day too :)

compiler posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 8:03 AM

I already asked for a Foreign Legion uniform, and Phil C answered he had one in preparation. As for what the Foreign Legion is doing during the year, they are do a great job all year round as a fighting and peacekeeping force around the world (this year in Ivory Coast for instance, but also Afghanistan, balkans, africa...). Of course, you don't see much of them on Fox news...

Spit posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 8:21 AM

You don't see 'em on CNN or MSNBC either. :( Wish we knew more of what was going on over there. BTW, you don't call it Bastille day anymore? (Did I spell it right?) It's the same as my late father's birthday and he always brought it up.

OpticalSingenoid posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 9:02 AM

Yes, St-Bastille day is correct! Here, in Quebec it's St-jean Baptiste Day(june 24th). Lots of outdoor shows, Beer, Women... :-) Bonne Fete a mes cousins francais! Well, if PhilC is on the case, then it will be an awesome Legionnaire outfit. Marco

RawArt posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 9:18 AM

On this note....does anyone know of a model of The Bastille St. Antoine?

compiler posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 9:38 AM

La Bastille was a fortress-prison, symbol of the authoritarian power of absolute monarchs, whose fall in the hands of Paris' people signed the beginning of the French Revolution. No stone remain of this fortress, only a place (la place de la Bastille). I never heard that this day was ever called Bastille day or St-Bastille, but it might have been so in the early days of the Revolution.

OpticalSingenoid posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 9:43 AM

Well, it's my bad. I should have specified that it's called that outside France! :-) Marco(who has bad memory of history)

gbdevo posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 10:18 AM

1789 : Prise de la vieille Forteresse de la Bastille, Paris, ou le Roi faisait interner les mauvais sujets par lettres de Cachets. Cette Insurrection a pour cause directe le renvoi du financier NECKER ( moins infeode l'aristocratie) par le Roi Louis XVI, trois jours auparavant. Les eutiers cherchent plus prendre des armes qu'a liber les prisonniers ( ha ha ha ) ( au nombre de ''' 7 ''' ( ho ho ho )) ce jours la ). Le 16, Louis XVI rapelle NECKER. La Bastille entre dans l' histoire comme une date symbole, la PREMIERE ou le PEUPLE est apparu PLUS FORT que le ROI ! En 1880, cette date devint FETE NATIONALE. Gerald B.

dialyn posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 10:27 AM

"Lots of outdoor shows, Beer, Women... :-)", men aren't invited, heh? Sounds like a good party.

gbdevo posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 10:35 AM

Attached Link:

A link for some Infos on ''Legion Etrangere''

OpticalSingenoid posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 10:38 AM

Dialyn, There are men. But, the ratio is 2W for 1M... :-) Now, it's the Jazz festival(almost over). Also during the F1 weekend, Ste-Catherine street(Downtown) is fill to the rim with long legs & mini Skirts. It's good for my eyes :-) Montreal is a very lively city in the summer. And Old Montreal Port is one of the few places that has that "Europe" look in America. They shoot lots of films there. Well, i digress. Merci, gbdevo pour cette courte lecon d'histoire! (Desole pour le manque d'accents, pas de keyboard bilingue) Longue vie et proserite aux francais! Marco

lordbyron posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 10:39 AM

En tout cas, joyeux jour de la fete nationale! Je vais poser mon drapeau tricolore au dessus de mon foyer. Et maintenant, ici en Amerique (helas) cela vaut une acte courageuse (ou de la sedition, selon votre conscience politique.) Neanmois, Vive la France, protectrice des droits humaines et de la raison! La revolution a liberer tous les peuples du monde continue encore aujourd'hui. --lb

khorne posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 12:36 PM

Joyeuse fete nationale tous les compatriotes de l'hexagone Et en plus, il fait beau partout ici !!!

gbdevo posted Mon, 14 July 2003 at 2:52 PM

Il fait beau a BERLIN, LoveParade 2K3 (Love Rules) est un renouveau intuitif culturel de l' Europe . * Les Inter Mites du spectacle francais devraient sortir un peu plus de leur Trou! Gerald B.