As most of you know I grabbed the dragonfly with part of the gift certificate from Zygote. I did have a vested interest tho, because a usenet friend of mine, George Baker (, had posted a scan last year of a *real* dragonfly to one of the newsgroups we participate in. So I sez to myself, "self, this scan will make a hell of a texture map" :-) I did some playing around with it earlier today & sent off an email asking George if I could use it. The pic attached is the "prototype" map, but in the meantime I got my reply that I could use the pic along with the info that there are several *more* scans that he has at even higher resolutions (one of them is 12megs! :-) Once I get the rest of the scans I'll be reworking the tex map so it has even higher quality detail but I thought I'd post this so you have an idea of what's coming :-) P.S. the dragonfly in the attached pic is scaled to 2000% so Posette will fit on his back :-) P.P.S. I shouldn't *have* to tell anyone but the wonderful chainmail set is courtesy of the talented & lovely nerd