Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL


DraX opened this issue on Aug 09, 2003 ยท 114 posts

DraX posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:09 PM

Given the recent discussions I thought this survey might be in order. Please post whether or not you consciously visit the Product Showcase forum when you're looking to spend money or do you usually forget about it unless someone tells you specifically to go there. This Survey is directed primarily at regular consumers, not merchants, so if you are a Merchant, please state so when you reply.

PhilC posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:13 PM

Yes I regularly go to the Product Showcase Forum. I enjoy seeing what other merchants are producing and I use it to announce my own new items.


fauve posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:15 PM

Yup, I check it out on a regular basis. And no, I'm not a merchant.

orangeparty posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:16 PM

I go there regularly as well - just to see what's new and what's on the horizon. Rob

raven posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:18 PM

Yep, every time I come to Renderosity. It's the second forum of a regular 5 or 6 that I read here.

ladynimue posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:19 PM

I have always visited the Product Showcase Forum! What an excellent way to get previews of up and coming products - I especially like the Product Showcase Gallery. The majority of my Rosity purchases are a direct result from first visiting the Product Showcase Forum! Lets face it, if you are a merchant, you want your products to be seen! Why would you want to post your preview in the Poser Forum - with the large amount of postings, which tend to get hidden quickly! I would rather post my previews in the Product Showcase Forum, where members can do a quick search of a merchant's name if they want to see that merchant has posted recently - if you do a search of a merchants name in the Poser Forum - you can get over a hundred hits and none having to do with a new product :) ladynimue

PhilC posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:23 PM

So there you have it an overwhelming 100% thumbs up for the Product Showcase Forum.

Gotta love statistics 18.gif


milamber42 posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:26 PM

Yes. I do. The 2 forums I regularly check are the Poser forum and the Product Showcase.

JoeyAristophanes posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:31 PM

I posted this elsewhere, then thought about it and deleted it, but it seems appropriate here, so what the heck. I come to Renderosity, and the home page is almost wall to wall ads. I open a forum page, and there's an ad. I go to a thread page, and there's some more ads. I open the newsletter, and it's almost entirely ads. Look, I know the MP drives this place economically, but enough already, okay? I'm sure all of your M3 products will be great, and I'm sure I'll buy them all (and I probably will), but they're products, and let's all accept that and move on. The level of nonstop advertising on all the various Poser boards -- here and elsewhere -- has gotten just a little too relentless in the last year.

Marque posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:33 PM

Yup me too, just to see what I need to start saving my money for. This is not the place for it, let's leave it in the Product Showcase Forum where it belongs. I like to be able to come here to get tips and either get help with a problem or give help if I can. Right now only a few merchants post product wip's and such, but if we open it up it will be like before, and it was getting way out of hand then. That's why the product showcase forum was created. Marque

Porthos posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:42 PM

Rarely do I visit, unless I'm pointed in that direction from another Forum!

MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 12.0GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 7770

PoserPro 2012 (SR1) - Units: Metres , Corel PSP X4 and PSE 9

RHaseltine posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:42 PM

"you're looking to spend money" - pardon? I'm looking NOT to spend money, with limited success. I do check the What's New at DAZ, R'osity, PoserPros etc. weekly but I avoid the Showcase forum.

nikitacreed posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:42 PM

I check it on a daily basis! Love going in there and seeing all the cool new stuff people are doing. I also need a place to decide how much money to spend and I like being able to ask questions (if I have them) right in the product thread. ;o)

genny posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:44 PM

Me too.....I visit the Product showcase forum at least twice a week........but if someone posts something here in the Poser forum with a product (wip) that I am interested in, then I check more frequently to see if it is ready. Take for instance, Beth's koshini morphs.....I really want that so I check when-ever someone posts anything about it.........hint, hint, to Beth (: genny

FrankJann posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:45 PM

Product Showcase forum (once I discovered it was there and what it was for) is one of my favorite spots to check. I am not a merchant and Product Showcase forum is definitely responsible for many purchases that I would not have otherwise known about. I regularly check a handful of forums here and the two most prominent ones are Poser and Product Showcase. Frank

capsces posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:49 PM

I have spells of occasional regularity, and spells where I do not go for a week or more. :) Sounds like a commercial to me. ;) Beth

Netherworks posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:50 PM

Yup - regularly. Always like to see what's vending here and at the other brokerages/stores. I probably go to the Product Showcase more than the "What's New" store page. And it's besides the fact that I'm a merchant.


pzrite posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:52 PM

I always go directly to the "What's New" page, almost a daily basis. Is there a benefit of going to the Product Showcase instead?

LaurieA posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:53 PM

I visit it all the time to see what's new and upcoming. And I post my own products there as well :o). Laurie

Patricia posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:54 PM

I used to pop in several times a week, but have been there slightly less often due to less $$ to spend lately. I still visit at least once a week just to see what's coming to the store and to hear about sales :)

nikitacreed posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:54 PM

ACK! Sorry...have to turn off the ebots. This looks like it will get a million replies and overwhelm my inbox. LOL! ;o)

DraX posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:56 PM

Yeah, same here... dumb me forgot to when I posted it

dirk5027 posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:56 PM's called time..rosity isn't the fastest site around

sturkwurk posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 1:59 PM

Yep, all the time. I love Gorodin's posts there especially.

I came, I rendered, I'm still broke.

lhiannan posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:00 PM

I rarely go to the Product Showcase. Lately, there hasn't been much being sold that I want or else it is just another version of something else. Usually I only hop in there when nothing else is going on in the other forums I visit (which actually is happening more and more of late as most postings are repetitive or whiney). Actually, I'm visiting Renderosity less and less frequently as well. I understand why you posted this thread and DraX, I haven't any problems with anything you've been posting. There are other merchants posting WIPs in the Poser Forum and not a single soul seems to have had a problem with them. I don't have any problems with them either. It gives me something to look at that's enjoyable.

KateTheShrew posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:04 PM

Ok, I'm a merchant with ONE product in the marketplace. BUT I am also a customer who has spent THOUSANDS here and this is what I do. I check the showcase forum daily just to see who's doing what, where I can find what I'm looking for to use in a project, or just to see what the current trends are. But when it comes to actually making a decision about what to buy, I base that on what I need for whichever project I'm working on or have planned for the future and the price. (example: There are some lovely flower models in the marketplace that I would dearly love to have and would use in a heartbeat, but not at $20 EACH). None of the ads ANYWHERE influence my decision. I want to keep the showcase forum. Before they put that in, I avoided the Poser forum like the plague simply because it was wall to wall ads and it was just too annoying to try to wade through and weed them all out. I just plain stopped coming to this forum and went elsewhere for a while until they did start the showcase. If you succeed in getting rid of the showcase forum, I will once again stop reading the Poser forum. Heck, I don't even click on any of the banner ads.

DraX posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:07 PM

Kate, you mistake my point.... the real issue is about how useful the Product Showcase forum is and whether or not it serves it's purpose entirely... not saying it needs to be gotten rid of... just that the impression I've gotten from the posts of many non-merchants... the people that buy most of all our products, is that they do not check that forum, or would rather be able to be teased a little bit in this one.

aleks posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:10 PM

i use to visit there but i stopped. two reasons: firstly, things come to the store sooner or later anyway ;) secondly, i misjudged the vanity of couple of merchants when i dared to tell them that i'm not satisfyed with this detail or that texture, i got almost flamed. i didn't see why should i continue visiting that forum.

Jaager posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:12 PM

Almost never.

FishNose posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:25 PM

Definitely. Check it every dsay. :] Fish

igohigh posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:27 PM

Unfortunately I only have dial-up, like others who can't afford or too cheap to get or simply live in an area where BB is not availible or still to unstable, I do not have a high-speed connection. For this reason I do find the PS a bit too image intensive for me to really make use of :*( Too often I find it more full of WIPs (and multiple threads of the Same WIP) then being able to browse "Products". On occation I have seen the Same product in WIP posted 2, even 3 threads on the same page - hit "Next" and there's more of the Same product's 'WIPs'.. Any chance of a WIPs Forum and then when the product is ready go to the Product 'Showcase'? For now I find it far easier to just go to the MP and hit "New" and browse the thumbnails, I see more product in a shorter time so I can make my desision and fill my baskett, and still have time to cause problems in the Poser Forum 8p

sirkrite posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:28 PM

Now if you really wanted to find out how many poeple check the Product Showcase Forum, you should have put this survey in there. ;) I visit in once in a while. I'm a semi-mechant. :)

Netherworks posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:32 PM

There's an idea - A Poser WIP forum as well. And up at the top of the poser forum where the "August Poser Challenge" and so forth - put a link to the Poser WIP (see what people are doing) and the Product Showcase (see what they've done) and then there's some added visibility without putting in the face of those who don't want it.


bknoh posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:33 PM

It is the first place I visit everyday. Then the Bryce Forum and then in here. I love to see the new products and the ones being worked on. I used to be a merchant. Diane

SnowSultan posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:33 PM

The only time I have ever gone there is when I was selling my one commercial item. I'm much more interested in reading the customer comments on a finished product anyway. Thanks, take care. SnowS

my DeviantArt page:


I do not speak as a representative of DAZ, I speak only as a long-time member here. Be nice (and quit lying about DAZ) and I'll be nice too.

Blazerwiccan posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:39 PM

I vist the Product Showcase often almost everytime I come to Render, and that is many times a day. I also vist the galleries, Market Place, Merchants area, and Poser Forum often, and at least twice a day the free section lol.

Kalypso posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:45 PM Site Admin

Well, Renderosity at this point has over 1000 merchants, chances are most of them visit even if it's just to check out the competition :) I think more people visit the Product Showcase Forum than we tend to believe mostly because they don't leave comments. I know I rarely leave comments but check it out often.

Mazak posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:47 PM

Yes I visit every day the Product Showcase forum. But sometimes I wish more informations and WIP's in the postings. WIP information is important for me on what product I money spare for :) Mazak

Google+ Bodo Nittel 

Dizzie posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:51 PM

I visit everyday and did before I was a merchant...a WIP forum? NO, we can't subdivide into every idea, then we'd have 100's of forums and we'd never get outta the forums and into the checkout line...:>)

Huolong posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 2:57 PM

Only once every few hours ... not very often ... I can quit Poser any time I want ... really


Simderella posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:00 PM

all the time, that and here are my 2 main forums!!

My Gallery

3-DArena posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:02 PM

nope - very rarely. AS has been stated it's too image intense (although since we are buying another house that is in an area with high speed that won't be an issue). But other than that - I honestly tend to choose what I purchase based off gallery images - mostly by the regular joes as that gives me abetter idea of a product. Or I buy from checking out the what's new section.

3-D Arena | Instagram | Facebook

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

Lunaseas posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:10 PM

I am not a merchant yet, I do visit about once a week just to see what people are doing.

ChuckEvans posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:27 PM

I visit the Showcase every day or two. Not sure what the intent is with the survey. I don't much care for merchants posting their upcoming work in this forum. I thought that's what the Showcase was for. I.e., showcasing your work. As the use of the acronym goes, WIP (related to someone wanted help on a piece of art they are working on) stuff belongs in here. WIP (related to a future marketplace item by a merchant) belongs in the Showcase. Of course, that's just my opinion. Reading the description of the Poser forum, all it says is post Poser-related messages here. I guess that leaves the door pretty wide open for any kind of post so long as you use the word Poser in your message.

brycetech posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:30 PM

if they'd post more nude vicky pictures, I'd visit more. lol (kidding) never visit it... BT

spudgrl posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:40 PM

I visit at least once a day. I buy here alot and Im allways looking to see whats new. :)

dolfijntjes posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:44 PM

Yes go there almost every day

MachineClaw posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:53 PM

yes. I visit the product showcase as much as the poser forum.

xoconostle posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 3:58 PM

I check it about twice a week. I find it useful and enjoyable. I enjoy it for info on items both here and elsewhere.

Hanz posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:04 PM

Haven't actually ever been there, no... Will go there now, I think, just to check it out. -Hanz

Crescent posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:16 PM

It's on my daily list of forums to check out, and with completely non-Mod intentions. Cheers!

Dave posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:25 PM

Very rarely check that forum unless directed to do so. I check this forum on a daily basis. Dave

HeavyRay posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:29 PM

I check it daily... I like to see what's coming down the pike (WIP) or completed goods (both here and throughout the community.) I find it near impossible to visit ALL the various stores, so those vendors that DO post in the Showcase here, are more apt to get my attention (and $$). It's also a good "budgeting tool" in that I can throttle the cash flow a bit better, knowing that one item that I simply "cannot live without" will be available soon...

Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I DO look in the Showcase, and I'd prefer that merchants would use that forum as the venue for displaying their wares (WIP, completed, sold both here & elsewhere!)

DraX posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:40 PM

So essentially the results of this so far show that the Showcase has both it's pros and cons...

Perhaps there is some way that Renerosity can put a little more attention to that forum in such a way that people browsing here can see what's going on in there or what's new there without having to views the threads themselves?

Something like this comes to mind:

f_banner.jpg - - - - - -

August Poser Challenge: Across the Dimensions - - - - - -

Latest Poser patches/SR's are available here. - - - - - -

When asking a question it would be helpful if you could state what version/SR of Poser you are using. - - - - - -

Latest Product Showcase Post:

Mysteries of The Goddess by RC Styles Image (4 replies) by Cimerone on 8/9/03 16:06

Be sure to check the Product Showcase regurlarly for news and updates about new products becoming available!!!

pizazz posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:41 PM

Yes - the merchants have some nice little contests in there. I've won some nice stuff.

dreamer728 posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:43 PM

i dont usually go to the product showcase, i just dont usually have time - i read the posts here, look in the gallery, and try to spend at least some time rendering! there just arent enough hours in the day to go through everything...

brycetech posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:48 PM

lol I just noticed something look at the banner for the poser forum here at the top of the page... what does it say this forum is for? lol BT

shazz501 posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:49 PM

i visit there every day,many times a day the same as i do this forum,i enjoy seeing what people are making for release (especially i'm not a merchant and don't have nearly enough talent to ever become one,i just like window shopping :)

capsces posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:56 PM

You know, the images I come in here and post just show what I enjoy doing. I enjoy making Poser morphs and I enjoy sharing images of the different faces I come up with. I enjoy the feedback from those who leave it. Obviously, the majority of people here are offended by these posts. I thought the Poser Forum was for anything Poser related. However, I'm not sure it is for anyhting but complaining. I, personally, don't see how people tolerate gads of threads with people complaining about one thing or another, yet can't tolerate an image showing off something being created for Poser. :( Beth

TrekkieGrrrl posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 4:57 PM

I mostly check it when I have posted something there myself. My reading order is This forum, then Merchants then sometimes Poser Technical or Forum News and if I still feel I have time to kill, THEN PS. But it also depends on whether or not I feel this URGE to spend some money or not L

FREEBIES! | My Gallery | My Store | My FB | Tumblr |
You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
  Using Poser since 2002. Currently at Version 11.1 - Win 10.

Little_Dragon posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 5:04 PM

I don't shop often, but I typically check the Product Showcase forum once or twice a day, just to keep up with what's available.

DraX posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 5:19 PM

Well, do you people check the Product Showcase because you have to or would you rather have some way of seeing what's up and coming without having it segragated from the forum? I was an opponent of the Product Showcase forum when it was started, went on hiatus, and am still an opponent of it now. Beth (capsces) said it VERY well

dialyn posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 5:21 PM

Yes for me...I like seeing previews of new products, sales announcements, and previews there.

FyreSpiryt posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 5:23 PM

I don't check the Product Showcase, because I don't want to be innundated with ads. I come to the Poser forum for tips, freebies, and discussion. If I want to see what's available, I'll swing through the marketplace.

Sasha_Maurice posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 6:06 PM

Very rarely...but I check out the whats new in the marketplace a couple times a day.

Crescent posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 6:08 PM

When you click on the Product Showcase area in the Poser Forum banner, it takes you to the Product Showcase Forum. Not an oopsie. ;-)

sturkwurk posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 6:14 PM

Ok, I'll revist my answer. I'm a merchant/broker and an artist... oh and even a professional. (I've been in the graphic arts since 1985) I go to the Product Showcase forum and gallery to see what's new... to look for something that sparks my imagination for new images etc. Usually the images there are larger and it's nice to ask the vendor some direct questions before tracking down the product and buying it. I really don't use it to check out the competition. I don't want to go to the Poser Forum and get bogged down with blatent ads for products, posted by the creators of those products. Reviews, I love em! It's nice to see what someone else thinks of a product. Illusions is exactly correct, the Poser Forum would be a joke if all the merchants started posting WIPs and product showcase material there... And there's well more then a 1000 merchants if you start counting vendors from outside Renderosity that post here too. Doug

I came, I rendered, I'm still broke.

sparrowheart posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 6:18 PM

I check on the Product Showcase several times a day. It helps a lot with managing my Poser budget to know what is coming along on the horizon. We all have had that sinking feeling that occurs when something too good to pass by arrives, or is put on sale at a deep discount, during a time period when we have no more to spend on Poser. The Product Showcase helps me to plan my purchases a bit better. And Beth, personally, I love every one of the images you have posted, and when I see you have posted one in a thread here, I always go to have a look at it, even though I may not post anything in reply. I don't see a problem with showing your work from day to day at all. Kimberly

SamTherapy posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 6:22 PM

Hardly ever. I have wandered across there maybe a dozen times in the pat year.

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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geoegress posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 6:26 PM

sure - I go there ever couple of months

_dodger posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 6:36 PM

I go into the Product Showcase forum when I have a Product Showcase post of some sort to make. Sometimes I look through the more recent ones that other people have put up, or anything posted by certain people whose names catch my eye (SAMS3D, Bloodsong, Curio, etc.) I think it would work better to have everything in one forum and have a flag for 'Commercial' as well as those for 'Nudity' and 'Violence'. I think it would be nice to have a 'Fluff' flag too, to designate toonimal renders and bad humour. And we should have in our member options the ability to turn off/filter all of these like we do the nudity and violence in the galleries. And I think we should be allowed to filter against individuals as well. Of course, that's why I'm building things like this into

brycetech posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 6:47 PM

stopping ebots--as this is a dead horse :)

sandoppe posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 7:47 PM

I visit the Product Showcase almost every day. It's where I can find out what is coming out before it's even released. Helps me plan my never ending purchases :)

queri posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 8:20 PM

I check it every day. It's the best place to directly question the merchant about an upcoming or current item in the marketplace. And you often see more than is allowed in the promo ads. For WIP's it's a chance to give some feedback on the final product. Emily

chriscox posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 8:23 PM

Hardly ever visit it but glad it there so I dont have to wade through all that stuff. Chris Cox

Chris Cox

Spit posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 9:35 PM

I visit a couple times a day. But, dammit peoples, the Poser Forum is not just for technical crap. It's a COMMUNITY for heaven's sake. I'm sick of this whole damn subject.

kayjay97 posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 9:57 PM

Hell, I almost live in the Product Showcase. LOL ...shrug..... pics from merchants showing their new products don't bother me. I mean, lots of people post WIPs of the graphics they are doing when there is a gallery available. To me it's all Poser related :)

In a world filled with causes for worry and anxiety...
we need the peace of God standing guard over our hearts and minds.
Jerry McCant

pendarian posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 10:32 PM

I vist there at least once a day. The two things that influence me to purchase. The Product Showcase and the promos and text in the marketplace. NOT the banners or the ads elsewhere, those just annoy me. Pendy

fretshredder posted Sat, 09 August 2003 at 11:26 PM

Sad to say that I go there almost as often as I come here. I don't necessarily go there when I am ready to spend $$ either. Rather, I go to see what's in the works and keep current on things like that :-)

rain posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 12:32 AM

Yes...on a regular basis.

Larry F posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 4:41 AM

What rain said. Probably a bit more regularly though, having long been diagnosed as a "dedicated impulse buyer", a pathology of sorts. Although I don't always buy just to be buying. No, really I don't. Honestly. Well, at least sincerely!

hauksdottir posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 6:58 AM

I check it out 3-4 times a week, since my spending is limited. I usually find a couple of contests that I wished that I'd seen earlier! However, merchants who have items elsewhere post in the pS, too, so I get to see a wider array of merchandise, and from a different perspective than the Marketplace promos. Carolly

c1rcle posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 7:35 AM

for the last 2 months I've visited the showcase forum 3-4 times a day :)

huskydog posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 7:51 AM

Yes. I check it once a day to see what's new/upcoming.

Ian Porter posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 8:45 AM

I always check the showcase.

pakled posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 8:45 AM

nope, never deliberately go there..have no credit, credit cards, etc., so unless they'd take cash in an envelope, I couldn't even buy anything..but that's me. Love the freestuff, tho.

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

Jim Burton posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 10:28 AM

Yes, I'm a merchant (maybe even here, again), no, I seldom visit it other than to check for replys to my own posting. I still think it is a ghetto. ghetto 2: a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live esp. because of social,legal or economic pressure b: a situation that resembles a a ghetto esp. in conferring inferior status or limiting opportunity I like dodger's idea.

dialyn posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 11:17 AM

The slum is in the mind of the find what you seek. I don't find a ghetto. I find a treasure trove.

Caly posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 11:24 AM

I didn't even know it existed and what it was 'til a few months ago, so obviously I didn't visit there often. Now I go everyday if I have the time.

Calypso Dreams... My Art-

Renderosity Gallery

Phantast posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 11:51 AM

Normally I never look at it. Consumer, not a merchant.

_dodger posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 12:16 PM

Okay, now, with quotes like these: Hardly ever visit it but glad it there so I dont have to wade through all that stuff. That is exactly the kind of attitude that I think sites like this could do without. THAT is what qualifies the PS as a Ghetto. 'I don't want to see any ads, I want to have Renderosity be for me and me alone. I don't give a fuck if Renderosity is funded or not or if it actually forms a profitable business model, I just want to look through the forums, read a litt,e and then grab all the Free Stuff I can carry and get the hell outta Dodge' That is what that sounds like to me. And while I may not be able to do anything about it here, if you ever hop over to especially after it's finished and up and running full force, I just want to clarify that such attitudes will NOT be welcome there, and my site will NOT be catering to the Rape-the-Forums-and-Pillage-the-Freestuff crowd. As a matter of a fact there will be NO free stuff section -- all the Free Stuff will be mixed into the marketplace so that you HAVE to see any related non-free products at the same time.

Peggy_Walters posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 12:55 PM

Very rarely unless I want more info on a product I am looking at in the marketplace. I would rather see it back in the forums. Peggy

LVS - Where Learning is Fun!

sandoppe posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 12:57 PM

Go get 'em Dodger!! :) A consumer.....who "buys" a lot. Be sure and let me know when your site is ready!!

DraX posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 1:23 PM

There's a lot being said in this thread that echoes my opinion of the PS... Obviously there's enough people responding to this thread in dissatisfaction that I'm not alone in feeling that there's a problem with the PS.

Stormrage posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 1:27 PM

yes but is it the majority? Sorry I don't want to have to wade through hundreds of ads. If renderosity changes the policy to ads being put here in the poser forum I think that Thats' the best time to stop reading the Poser forum. And i don;t think i am alone in that.

DraX posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 1:31 PM

No, but it's not exactly a small minority of the people who posted in this thread, either. Without manually counting how many people responded, let's say we've got roughly 30% of the people who posted here who either hate the PS or ignore it.... Obviously, that's a problem, and there should be some means of solving it.

Stormrage posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 1:35 PM

I see your point Yes I do think merchants need more exposure.. but i don;t think ads here in this forum are the best idea

wyrwulf posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 1:38 PM

I don't look at the Product Showcase. I agree with Stormrage, that if the Poser forum got overrun with ads again, it would ruin it. Instead of trying to change things to be able to spam the Poser forum, why not come up with ideas to get people to look at the Product Showcase?! I like seeing what people are working on, but I don't like blatant advertising messages bumping informational messages.

DraX posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 1:45 PM

Actually, I just took the tally of Yes/No posts, and it was roughly 42 that visit and 26 who don't out of 68 votes (give or take a few, it's a pain in the ass... need vBulletin's poll system for this one) That means that as merchants, we're losing out on 35-40% of our target audience as a result of the Product Showcase, and I'm sure that it's more than that... So, obviously, something needs to be done to give the Merchants around here more exposure, or a way to get a little more attention on the Product Showcase and try to make it a better place.

Stormrage posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 1:53 PM

"That is what that sounds like to me. And while I may not be able to do anything about it here, if you ever hop over to especially after it's finished and up and running full force, I just want to clarify that such attitudes will NOT be welcome there, and my site will NOT be catering to the Rape-the-Forums-and-Pillage-the-Freestuff crowd." hmmm i definately won't be visiting then since your attitude turns me off. Im not a Rape-the-Forums-and-Pillage-the-Freestuff person but i do take offense at being implyed that i or anyone else might be.

praxis22 posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 1:58 PM

Yup, visit it often, but then I look at the marketplace every thime I login so... later jb

Strixowl posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 2:18 PM

I have "never" visited it, but have spent tons of $$. I always check "What's New" and read the Poser forum. So commercial products prieviews in the forum are a bit redundunt. I do appreciate the posts where a merchant askes for what folks would want in a new products, such as PhilC's recent post. I also like getting a heads up on differant freebies from all over the web. I guess I'll have to check it out atleast once :-)

Lyrra posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 2:28 PM

Attached Link:

The Moderators and admins are discussing this issue. Said issue being: the Merchants feel that not enough people visit the Showcase Forum. The Poser forum does not want the ads back in the forum. Here is a thread in the forum for you guys to discuss in:

capsces posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 2:35 PM

I take offense at the implication that all I'm doing here is fishing for sales. I happen to be proud of the morphs and characters I make. I enjoy sharing them with others. I'm an artist, a member of this community and a customer as much as you are. This is my art. Not once have I disregarded the guidelines related to posting ads in this forum. I resent being berated and belittled when I am not breaking any rules. I could understand all this if there were a rule against me posting an image of an item that may eventually be for sale. But where are you going to draw the line? Any image posted in this forum could potentially be an ad. How am I to know that Joe Blow didn't come in here and post their image wanting to know why something doesn't work as a guise to show their upcoming product. This is silly. You DO NOT have to click on my posts. On a less heated note, I like the idea of flagging posts with the option to filter out the type of posts you do not wish to see. In general, I'm not fighting for this forum to be inundated with commercial posts. I want clear rules, not rules I am to guess at, not rules that might get my posts moved and get me reprimanded when I have followed them. :) Beth

capsces posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 2:38 PM

Attached Link:

And for the record, here are the only guidelines I can find on this subject and the thread they are in. I posted these in another thread, but some may not have seen that one. ****************************** The Product Showcase Forum and Art Gallery are intended for the promotion of any commercially available item offered within the 2D/3D art community. This includes, but is not restricted to Renderosity MarketPlace advertising. Overt advertising of this nature located on any of the other forums/galleries will be transferred to the Product Showcase areas. Posts may be identified as such if they contain statements similar to "Now available at [store]", "On Sale", "For Sale in my Store" or contain direct URLs to e-commerce or subscription pages. Artistic images that discreetly credit the makers of commercial items used are not restricted to the showcase areas.

RHaseltine posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 2:54 PM

Capsces: who is berating and belittling you? I've noticed few, if any, complaints when you post your images and you are far from the most obvious referant for the "cheeseballing" post, so why are you so cross? (If you have been attacked personally I'll put in a preemptive oops, sorry, limping off with foot in mouth....)

capsces posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 3:25 PM

No one has directly attacked me, RHaseltine, but reference was made to cartoon characters which my posts, of late, have contained. The whole thread is in regard to posts of WIPs of commercial products. I rarely post images of anything else. I rarely have time to do images of anything else. I'm trying to make a little extra income to supplement my husband's. I'm not an evil money monger out to strip you guys of every penny you have. If I was, I'd definitely be doing something else. Though no one has attacked me personally, as these kind of threads keep popping up, eventually the few posts I make here WILL be banned for violation of something. I still can't imagine skipping through a few WIPs being as bad as reading through this one thread. It takes me longer to read through this thread than to view all the posts of commercial WIPs in the last week. ;) Beth

jade_nyc posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 3:49 PM

I check the Product Showcase forum regularly. I am not a merchant anywhere.

barb posted Sun, 10 August 2003 at 9:26 PM

Yes - I visit the Product Showcase forum to see what's new and what's up and coming. Actually I visit there every time I come here.

dewo posted Mon, 11 August 2003 at 12:14 AM

No. Never been

c1rcle posted Mon, 11 August 2003 at 3:01 AM

If the product Showcase forum is to go & all the threads moved back to here then capsces is right there needs to be a new addition to the filtering on the forums. We already have a filter for nudity & violence even if people sometimes forget to use them :) so it shouldn't be that difficult to add a new one to filter out ads. At the end of the day if a merchant comes here & can't advertise their work then they'll go elsewhere & we'll all lose out.

PointLady posted Mon, 11 August 2003 at 3:27 AM

Yes, I always visit this forum - you can see whats new before visiting the Marketplace, cause then you get an idea of whether this is an item that interests you or not, see the feedback from others, helps you decide if you may want it or not. Leave it there. Jan

ShadowWind posted Mon, 11 August 2003 at 2:45 PM

I don't visit the Product Showcase forum, but I do a what's new of All Galleries and if something catches my fancy in the PS gallery than I look at it. Mostly though I shop by what's new in the marketplace unless I am looking for something specific and then I will go hunting through the sections. Sometimes I also check the what's on sale category as well...


ShadowRose posted Tue, 12 August 2003 at 11:58 AM

I look at it everday. I look at the Poser forums much less.