Attached Link: Runtime DNA
We figured we would spotlight the new freebies of the week, and since everyone likes the real deal announcement style, why not go with that ;) On with the slipper!
- Colm offers up some leaf wear for LaSprite. Casual in a nature sort of way, and the perfect price! Download a little nature sass today!
- NikitaCreed busts open the walls of the Freestuff with week with Earings,Flower Boxes, Desolated Adobe Rugs, and Dragon Scales. Pick your own flavor, LaRoo or Vickie, and Download what you want!
- Mav brings something a little different to the LaRoo extras in the form of the first easyposed squid helmet! Bet you haven't seen one of those before.... Rumor has it, it makes a great mer tail too.... Or so the Island Girls tell me...
- Finally the rest of the load this week is from the overworked computer of your's truly! Lights, SkyDome V 3.0, Poses, and a little posable nutty fellow rounds out this week's booty! Download what you want! Who Loves ya? Remember when rendering it is advised that you wear your helmet at all times.... -Trav & The RDNA Freebie Crew