This may be somewhat difficult to explain, please bear with me. I made a mesh of a mechanoid character, which I am attempting to make poseable. I had trouble with a PHI file, and am now trying to use the grouping tool and hierarchy editor. I imported my OBJ, selected the grouping tool, and clicked Add All to select all polygons in the model. I then clicked Spawn Props, resulting in a new Poser prop for each group in the original OBJ. I then deleted the original mesh, leaving only the newly created props in the scene. I arranged my figures hierarchy in the Hierarchy Editor. Then I clicked Create New Figure in the Hierarchy window to add my new figure to the library. I close out my work, create a new (blank) document, and instantiate my new character from the library. So far so good. Here is the problem: there is only one Mandroid figure in the image above. What looks like a second mandroid skewed 45 degrees to the right is a glitch. This has happened repeatedly. The bottom-most element in my figure's hierarchy gets not only its own geometry, but a complete copy of the geometry of the entire figure. The bottom-most element in the hierarchy happens to be one of the manipulator claws. I generated this image by bending that claw to 45 degrees, which slewed the extra geometry it is carrying as well. If I look at the CR2 in a text editor, by golly that claw has an enormous geomCustom field (compared to the other claws which have only a few hundred polys). It definately included a complete copy of the figure geometry in that node. Has anyone seen anything like this? More importantly, has anyone fixed anything like this?