After looking at the stuff that Rayraz posted: I thought I'd have another fiddle with Blurry reflections. It's quite frustrating really, since this is "close, but no cigar" territory. Some of the aspects are there, but it doesn't look real. I think the main problem is that the maximum setting is not blurry enough. Having said that, I didn't spend much time on this and it is quite likely that further tweaking could result in substantial improvement. This is lit by one parallel light (used instead of the sun to maximise control over shadow softness). All the other 'light' in the room is actually blurry reflections of those few surfaces lit directly by the parallel light and of the skydome 'outside'. The only post editing is a slight cropping of the image and image size reduction (for web file size purposes) and a slight rotation of the image to the left (for 'art' ;-)). Render time was about ten hours at 144 (but probably four hours of that was due to enabling normal reflections in the windows). Chair is from 3DCafe.