BekaVal opened this issue on Sep 18, 2003 ยท 20 posts
BekaVal posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 12:23 PM
Today I saw the explanation for "Regular Price $24.95 after October 10th, 2003" on som Plat items. (Maybe I'm the last one?) They introduced a new category "Premier Preview" --> "All items listed below are new products offered to Platinum Club Members for 30 days at $1.99 before being released to the general public at regular price." Does that mean, from now on all new PC stuff will only be available for $1,99 if one is quick enough?
Evanara posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 12:36 PM
As I understood it, the Premier Preview items will first be available to PC members at the PC price , then be moved to the Premier store at their full price. So, if you're a PC member, you get a gigantic discount on those products as well as getting them earlier than non PC members.
BekaVal posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 1:05 PM
That's what it seems. But till now I got the discount on such products for longer than 30 days. I could decide to buy them, if I needed them, when I needed them. Now you have to decide at once, if you want some new item. Otherwise you will have to pay a lot more if you change your mind later. In fact it's a usual marketing strategy to use temporary discounts to make people buy things even if they don't need them. Just in case they may need them some day. When I joined PC, the conditions said that PC items once added to the club would never be removed.
MachineClaw posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 1:07 PM
Not all the PClub items will be Premier Preview releases from what I understand. I it just an additional PClub membership bonus as a PClub member chould get a few items apon intial release for the 1.99 price and then it gets dumped for everybody to buy at the regular price later on. Kinda like getting to see a sneak preview of a movie, you get to see it first before everybody does. There should be regular PClub items released just as they have been and those regular PClub items will not leave the store, they will be there to stay. Daz is just making the PClub membership more atractive by adding insentives, new features, and bonuses that non members of the PClub won't get the benefit of that's all.
Shoshanna posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 1:12 PM
The Mihai hair was a new PClub item the same week as Romeo and Juliet. It's not a Premier Preview item though, so Daz are still adding normal PClub items, it's just a new part of the PClub. In my opinion, the Mihai hair was one of the best M3 items released this week. It's my new favourite hair. Shanna :-)
rreynolds posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 1:31 PM
The time-limited Platinum Club Romeo & Juliet costumes add an interesting wrinkle to the PC membership. It's an added incentive to remain a member if a lot of products don't stay in the club. Otherwise, there's not a lot of reasons to remain a PC member. There's a lot of reasons to join because there's a ton of great content at inexpensive prices, but once somebody's bought all they want, the club's new content is comparatively tiny to what's already there. For an individual not accustomed to buying new models every month, paying $8 a month starts becoming a questionable expense. Everybody's mileage (spending habits and personal budgets) differs on this matter, so there's a wide range of opinions about the value of that monthly fee. The way the club's been, a person could quit and rejoin a year later and not have missed out on anything in the club. With some items expiring, there's another reason to remain a member. It's not simply a matter of quitting and rejoining PC in four months to break even because items, that were introduced at $1.99, will be considerably more expensive in the future. That needs to be factored into any decisions on leaving the club. It puts some pressure on staying a member or becoming one.
raven posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 3:42 PM
Attached Link:
Straight from DAZ's own FAQ page on PC, and I quote: 'The Platinum Savings Club products will not be rotated in and out' That means (unless I have read wrongly) that if it's in the PC, then it will not leave the PC, even if it goes on sale in the Premier or Special Interest sections later. After all, there are items in both PC and Premier. I would like to think Platinum Preview lets us PC members play with toys a month before the general populace gets a chance (and at a much cheaper price than non-members!). If the rules of the club have suddenly changed, then that's a different story...raven posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 3:44 PM
Sorry, I mean Premier Preview.
SnowSultan posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 4:17 PM
I don't feel like DAZ is going back on their promises at all. The Premier Preview is more like a special offer for PC members to get regular Premier section products for $1.99. It's certainly better to have those items available at that price for a limited time than for them to just go directly to the Premier section and perhaps go on sale for a few dollars less in the future. Now if I can just get someone there to put up my latest seam guide, I'll be happy. :) SnowS
my DeviantArt page:
I do not speak as a representative of DAZ, I speak only as a long-time member here. Be nice (and quit lying about DAZ) and I'll be nice too.
who3d posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 4:25 PM
wdupre posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 4:53 PM
these Premier Preview items are Items created by brokers which Daz has made a special arangement for, to bring special Temporary deals to Platinum club members. in the past there was a lot of complaints that the platinum club did nothing for people who want brokered items. this is one way to directly resopnd to that wish. it is not a conspiricy to defraud anyone its just a new bonus for Platinum members. the platinum artists are still hard at work creating new products for the Platinum club and its permanant collection.
BekaVal posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 5:06 PM
I think, the rules of the club have changed, Raven. The Romeo and Juliet items will be only 30 days at $1,99. And I think it is not just: Hey, they give us an extra discount on Premiere items, that's great. Who says, which item is Premiere and which is Platinum? In the past there were very valuable things like the morphing dresses for V3 or great texture sets in PC. And that is exactly what they advertised for. It seems, that from now on, 'big' items will be in PC only for 30 days. That's fine, a good chance, a big discount. Some things like Mihai hair will even stay in PC. But I think that are not the same conditions, as there were, when I joined PC.
wdupre posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 5:42 PM
well I am just a Daz broker and not Daz but this was explained to me as an added bonus. they are not planning on doing away with providing "big items" as regular Platinum products. the Romeo and Juliet dresses are by Deecey who is not a platinum club modeler. as far as I know Anton is still the primary Platinum club modeler and he and the great Platinum texture artists are still hard at work doing models and textures for the Platinum club. please dont make this gesture of generosity into some great conspiricy. as platinum members you get models that should cost $20 or more for $1.99 and you are complaining? the conditions for the regular platinum club product has not changed one bit they are now just offering more.
BekaVal posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 6:08 PM
I really didn't want to critisize. Just noticing the changes. For me the brokering matter was unknown as my only source was the DAZ pages. Quote from the Romeo page: "DAZ Original - Platinum Club only". No hint of brokering. Of course it's an advantage, to get such a discount on brokered items.
DCArt posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 6:54 PM
The Romeo and Juliet dresses are by Deecey who is not a platinum club modeler. That's correct ... I'm just a "regular joe-ette". Romeo and Juliet were the first things that I've done in months (M3 was a real inspiration for me, and when I heard they were interested in doing something Shakespearian/Elizabethan for M3 I volunteered to give it a try. LOL dang, it took me a whole month (and many, many, many thanks to Lady Littlefox who patiently helped me through the finer points of joint editing! ROFL) I thought it was cool when DAZ asked if they could put it in the Platinum club. That way, if folks liked it they could get it and still be able to afford other stuff. 8-)
Caly posted Thu, 18 September 2003 at 8:45 PM
Goodness gracious. :D I was happy to see the new Premieres. It means more stuff from new brokers! Not to say that Anton's or Mallenlane's work is lacking. They're just 2 guys though and they can't work THAT quickly. We have to let them sleep sometime. ;) Those brokers that do not want to always price their things at $1.99 can give the Platinum Club a try, and see if it suits 'em. And we as members can try stuff from new brokers and see if they suit us!
Calypso Dreams... My Art-
rreynolds posted Fri, 19 September 2003 at 9:30 AM
I'm a little surprised this was a controversial move. For PC Club members, it makes little difference whether an item resides forever in the club or is only there for a month. Either way, it only costs $1.99 and, barring a deluge of limited time items (which is highly unlikely), should be readily affordable and bought within the time period. Anybody who cannot afford a $1.99 model probably won't be paying the $7.95/month club fee. About the only complaint I can imagine would be from somebody who is not currently a member because they can no longer join whenever they want and get everything in the club that was offered to members from day one. Frankly, I felt a little guilty getting all the PC Club stuff I got when I joined because I got in at a lower rate and bought a lot of stuff for $0.99 while it was on sale. I may have to drop out of the club because of my finances. It doesn't bother me that I will miss out on some time limited models (well, okay, I'll be a little unhappy that I miss them). There isn't any reason to feel as if I am entitled to every single model that regular members are paying for if I quit and rejoin a year from now.
DCArt posted Fri, 19 September 2003 at 11:15 AM
Swade posted Sun, 21 September 2003 at 8:25 PM
Well I agree with rreynolds. I think this was a good thing for the PC members. I have spent plenty of $$$ on PC items as well as Premier and Special Interest items. I think that DAZ has made a very nice move. I would like to thank them for giving us the PC members first crack at the new premier items and for $1.99 at that. So what if it is only for 30 days. As far as I am concerned it is better than not having that availability at all. Personally.... I have had nothing negative happen to me since I became a PC member. I seem to see lots and lots of complaining about the way DAZ does things. My ? is this. What would all of you that complain about DAZ do if the DAZ site didn't exist? There is stuff there that you won't find anywhere else. I think it would be good for people to consider what they have available to them before they complain too much. Just my $0.02
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who know binary, and those who don't.
A whiner is about as useful as a one-legged man at an arse kicking contest.
MrDeltoid posted Mon, 22 September 2003 at 3:23 PM
Its their business, companies dont make just nice moves.