Wow, my first challenge image in over a year. Well, this one was fun. I used Debra Ross' bison model (just found out today that there are newer and better textures for it, but this one still works) and PhilC's cape for the buffalo runner's robe. Everything else is the digital equivalent of spit and bailing wire. Some post in Photoshop, but per the challenge, as little as I could get by with and stil consider the thing presentable. So, while I hope the image itself works on its own, I'll give a little background for those of you who might not know much about this bit of history. The Plains Indians of North America used to hunt bison, before horses and guns were available starting at about 1600 or so, by stampeding them and running them off a cliff. The ones which weren't killed by the fall were clubbed or speared by folks waiting down below. The most hazardous job went to the buffalo runner, who wore a bison robe and hat and positioned himself between the bison herd and the cliff. Then he'd started bleating like a lost calf, and this began to attract bison mommies at the edge of the herd. They'd start moving toward him. Then other hunters would jump up from the sides of the herd and start a stampede. If all went well, the bison would run in the direction of the most recent movement --toward the fake calf. So the runner had a whole herd running full-on toward him. He would turn and run for the cliff, then jump down to a ledge on the side. Over the edge the bison went, and the tribe had food and clothing for the winter. Anyway, probably a lot more detail than anyone needs, but it's some interesting history from my neck of the woods. Enjoy!