Jacqueline is 257 years old. Her thrist for blood is what keeps her young. She was brought into the company of vampires by the Dark One himself. He much enjoyed her mortal beauty and wished to keep her around...forever. She has tried to fight off the tempations of being a vampire but blood is needed to stay alive and avoid damnation. She feeds only when absolutely necessary and only on those she believes can bring no good to this world. She much likes politicians to be truly honest. When she is satisfied her eyes are dark midnight blue, when she is hungry they are green and when she feeds they are red. Jacqueline also has a love for Halloween, for it is the only time she is revered and accepted for what she is now. 1 Head INJ and REM, 1 Body INJ and REM 1 Default Mat 3 Mat options, 2 are tattoos, one is no tattoos 4 Make-up options 2 Lip options To compliment Jacqueline's dark look are 2 texture packs for the Morphing FAntasy Dress available as Proclub items. These are sold separately of this character package. Required Products: V3, face and body morphs