As most of you know, I really like M3. I think he's a great addition to the character library. However, that said... One thing REALLY bothers me. It's really a small issue, and easily fixed, but it still bothers me. There's a very nice morph on the forearms for a glove line. I love it. Makes getting full gloves as a seperate figure a moot issue. This glove line isn't seperatly mapped though. So you have to either customize the texture for the forearm, or use the grouping tool to add another material. M3 (and V3) have tons of seperate mapping. Legs, torso, neck, scalp, hip. Great. Lets you have a lot of control using other materials for those parts and making it easy to cloth them in skin tight textures while leaving some parts with the body texture. Why couldn't they have added a material region for the gloves? ...sigh...