So, I was asked (told maybe), why dont you make a nice intro/bumper/outtro for the upcoming managers meeting? Sure I said. Instead of turning to my tried & true animation friend (ae4.1) I turned to Carrara. Well that wasnt the smartest thing I have done over the last week. In concept this should have been so easy to do. I took a clip art of the US, turned it into a spline object, smacked it on an infinate plane and threw down some cities. the camera starts above and swings down to each of the cities between the segments. I set it up and let it rip. I ended up saving it in after effects, but I barely made deadline b/c of the extra work I had to do to it. First problem: Whats with the stupid black dots on the horizion? I had those in my privious ant animation but later found out that land primitives leave gaping holes in polys that they touch unless you convert them to a different modeler...maybe its not the land primitive? Maybe its something wrong with the inifiate plane? It wouldnt be so bad except that the dots are moving around all over the place. Second problem: Whats with dropped polygons? you can also see this in the picture above...when I did the wireframe render there where no problems but after the final rendering I had a fair number of polydrops...for the most part it was ok but towards the end it was getting rediculous. Anyway any help with there two questions would be greatly appreciated b/c I have another big animation coming up next week...I wont have a lot of time to render that sort of stuff out over and over. If you want to see the first part of the opening movie let me know and tomorrow I will .mpeg it...Im to tired to do anything now..except get mad at the stupid black dots :)