Hi, I'd really like to make some morph targets for some of my favourite figures, and have done for ages , theres just one thing that puts me off, so please please please help. I need to maintain symmetry in body parts the picture shows the problem really when I use mirror in my app (Im using 3ds but im sure this is a common problem) the morph vertices get out of synch with those in the .obj file. If the designers of the models kept a natural order of vertices for these symmetrical parts things would be a lot easier, and Im sure most 3d app mirror ops would then work.. but anyhow... on a single body part you can use MTMirror to get symmetry, but Im not aware of any other such program that does the same for diff. body parts, for example left and right shins. If youve ever tried creating symmetrical (as i would of thought most were ? ) morphs then you know my problem .. how did you solve it ? please help .. thanks. Barrie