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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 05 12:55 pm)

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum. The Showcase Forum and Gallery are intended for all commercial related postings by active Renderosity MarketPlace Vendors only. This is a highlight area where our membership is invited to review in greater detail the various art products, software and resource site subscriptions available for purchase in the Renderosity MarketPlace.


Subject: WIP Crows /Magpie

noggin ( ) posted Sun, 23 November 2003 at 4:02 PM · edited Mon, 10 February 2025 at 3:09 AM


Finished a weekend of work on the latest model set. Most of the modelling completed now and beginning on the texturing. Still a little way to go but hopefully not too long! These are the textures for the folded version_like my other bird models there is a flying version. These are the planned MAT/MOR's: Crow/ Hooded Crow/ Jackdaw/ Chough/ Rook/Raven and Magpie. (for starters) I've seen some pretty lovely magpie species on the net so may have a go at these if I can get some quality reference pictures. Pictured here the magpie, crow and jackdaw. (sorry about the file size)

noggin ( ) posted Sun, 23 November 2003 at 4:35 PM


And here's the Chough_ a rare British crow confined now to the cliff coasts of Wales, the Isle of Man and some of the Inner Hebrides. Saw some on the Isle of Colonsay a couple of years ago_very striking red bill and legs!

Ajax ( ) posted Sun, 23 November 2003 at 8:39 PM

They look very cool. I like the crow especially :-)

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Djeser ( ) posted Mon, 24 November 2003 at 12:41 AM

Wow, those are terrific, noggin!


William ( ) posted Mon, 24 November 2003 at 2:27 AM

Yes! Excellent work Noggin. I've had a family of maggies visit me for year now. Their call is always welcome in the mornings.

RHaseltine ( ) posted Mon, 24 November 2003 at 6:52 AM

I used to be woken up by a magpie attacking my side window, much more effective than an alarm clock. On one occasion a couple of years ago we had a dozen or so in the oak tree at the end of the garden, all facing the same way. A Poser crow has long been on my want list, so this is a great package.

noggin ( ) posted Mon, 24 November 2003 at 3:54 PM


Well it IS a Carrion Crow. Just testing out the posing from various angles. Recently got Lyne's (VIP) wonderful rabbit models (this one from the wild set _ cottontail I think) and just had to use it in this image. I promise no animals were harmed in the making iof this image :-)

dragongirl ( ) posted Tue, 25 November 2003 at 3:13 AM

Wow - these are wonderful! Beautiful work.

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