Forum: Bryce

Subject: Changes in my gallery!

Rochr opened this issue on Nov 28, 2003 · 22 posts

Rochr posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 2:53 PM

Dont know if anyones noticed yet, but the images in my gallery is temporarely resized & tagged. Its not one wild ego-trip from my side to put a large "Rochr" on almost every piece in my gallery, and i think it sucks, but right now, i want to play it safe. Dont know how long im going to keep this, but on the other hand, for the forthcoming posts, ill be more then happy to send a larger, untagged image to "The Family", if any of you guys want it. Just thought ild fill you in with this. Now stop reading and go back to the Bryceing! :)

Rudolf Herczog
Digital Artist

catlin_mc posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 3:01 PM

It's sad that you must do this Rudy but the way things have gone for you recently it is perfectly understandable. It would be wonderful if one day we could post and have no fear of theft, although I seriously doubt that will ever happen. All the best Catlin

Incarnadine posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 3:04 PM

I for one would love to see larger and untagged here. Want it?! If you did a book I'd buy it! (...of course I want it!)

Pass no temptation lightly by, for one never knows when it may pass again!

kstar__2 posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 3:05 PM

actually i think those days all lie in the past, sadly :(

Zhann posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 5:39 PM

Rochr, I think you did an excellent job of tagging, very hi tech looking and unassuming, and I don't mind it in the least. You see posters for sale all the time with the artist tag and it doesn't seem to slow down sales of the posters, so why not do it on your digital work....:) It is sad though that it's necessary at all.....:(

Bryce Forum Coordinator....

Vision is the Art of seeing things invisible...

Vile posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 7:23 PM


Do you have Photoshop Rochr (I know you got to have some editor!)? Honestly instead of shrinking the images down (which you could do for some). I would create a very subtle watermark that covers the entire image. And I do mean entire ( most of them know how to use a crop tool!)

Then two choices create a digital signature and sign it or place your name on the image itself.

 If it is subtle enough the image will shine through and still leave you some protection making it harder for the trickseesss to snatch it! I used to do this when I first joined Renderosity waaaaaay back in 99' but found it unnecessary for my hobby work.

Vile posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 7:25 PM

Sometimes I hate this forum format grr if anyone saw my 1st 20 posts that I kept deleting I apologize. I always forget how to tag stuff here.

amethyss posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 10:12 PM

Sad people do that eh...Rudy.Nice work signing your images. However the way I look at all this is,if I build something and someone takes my design ,or I teach an apprentice something new,I hope they use it to their benefit.Sure some may profit from something I have done,but unless it really is blatant in my face,who cares.One day I will die and none of this matters.None of it. ============= (although I doubt anyone would use my art for anything) ===============

Painting: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic_____website

padawanNick posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 10:26 PM

Really nice looking tags there Rudy. The resolution change is an even better move, in terms of protection. Especially in the case of you're work. The high degree of detail in your full size images is astounding. Without that full resolution, the images are still amazing to view, but the value to someone wishing to steal it is diminished. Just curious, did you find your work somewhere else ?? As you command ... it's back to Brycing for me.... Good luck. Have fun.

danamo posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 10:59 PM

Hey Vile, if I ever forget*and I sometimes do, how to assemble a tag,I just go up to "view> source" and cheat by looking at the code for successful links. It's a refresher course 'cause I haven't done that much web design.

danamo posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 11:05 PM

Sorry Rochr, I got side-tracked there. I'm very sorry that you're having to go through this. Your tag looks great!

Quest posted Fri, 28 November 2003 at 11:37 PM

It's a terrible social statement when you have to go to extremes to safe guard your hard work from cyber thieves! People, who use you as some host, like parasites. They eat and sustain themselves off of the nourishment you provide from your talent, skills, hard work and sweat. This is most disconcerting when our favorite artists have to provide some form of visual obstruction to their wonderful pieces and they can no longer be viewed and appreciated in their full glory.

shadowdragonlord posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 1:09 AM

I understand your apprehension, Rudy. At the same time I'm going to NOT play it safe. I don't really care if people find my stuff, it's all copyrighted uner my name and if I did find someone else jacking YOUR stuff, or anyone else's here at 'Rosity, I'd be sure to let everyone know. I think that although I really love your work, you should make a bigger statement and restore it. Your pieces are fabulous, and I love them! But at the same time, there is only ONE print resolution image on 'Rosity. I posted it a couple days ago, and NOBODY would dare print a .jpg at 300DPI! Keep your eyes open, but keep your minds and hearts open as well... (bows to you all)

Zhann posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 1:11 AM

I know alot of people really don't care if their images are stolen or not, however, Rudy puts alot of himself in his imagery and I'm sure alot of us here do, and it just isn't 'right' for someone else to profit from the use of a stolen image. I guess it's the principle of the thing, way too many people on the web feel that anything posted is fair game to take and claim as their own and it's just not so. As it is, people feel that artists do art as a hobby and that artists don't expect to be compensated for something others feel is a frivolous pastime. That's got to stop, if the thieves think they can get away with it and no one presses the point it's illegal, they will continue to do it. Our art and the time needed to create it is just valuable as any other profession's time, and output. He is within his rights to presue this to the fullest extent of the law. amethyss, if your lively hood depended on your talent as an artist then you too would feel strongly about the thief of your artwork. And, if in the long run, nothing matters, because you're going to die anyawy, well, what 's the point of contiuing on with life without any passion?

Bryce Forum Coordinator....

Vision is the Art of seeing things invisible...

drawbridgep posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 1:26 AM

It's a tricky one. Personally if someone asked if they could use a picture for some non-commercial project, I wouldn't have a problem (depending what it was for and as long as I got credit). But if it was commercial, then I want a cut. And if they just half inch it without asking, in order to make money (as in Rochr's album covers), then yeah, it's a kneecap job.

Phillip Drawbridge

shadowdragonlord posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 3:30 AM

Aye, I read your other thread about this topic, Rudy, and now I think I understand where you are coming from. I don't know how much the "law" helps with this kind of thing, but I'm saying take it to the top... My younger brother, who is 25, spent at least 50 hours working on a design logo for the cover, inside, rear, and actual face of his CD. He's a Bryce rookie, really, but I love watching his perfectionism in action. Point is, woe be to the jerkoff who tried to steal your artwork. If even my little brother, who is a graphics master and artist in his own right, can get his stuff together enough to create original artwork for his music (which I daresay, without hearing it, is much better than the thief-in-question's), why can't anyone? I feel for ya, hope things work out in your favor...

Rochr posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 6:10 AM

Thanx for the understanding and support guys! Well, as said, its just a temporary solution.Once things calm down a little, i will probably post slightly larger pics, at least here, and keep the tiny resolution images on my webpage. Much of the details is lost in these small sized images, and no talentless asshole is going to force me to post "thumbnails". I really dont mind if people are using my images for personal webpages etc, as long as they ask first. Thats the very least they can do. And to answer your question: Probably because it takes some talent, something this guy obviously dont have. I wouldnt be surprised if he steels the mixes as well.

Rudolf Herczog
Digital Artist

Ardiva posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 10:34 AM

I'm wondering just where the pirates get the images to it from here or perhaps a personal website??

Rochr posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 12:55 PM

From everywhere probably! Eyecon pointed out that my Rendo-cover is being used on t-shirts. Now, the only post of that pic that ever existed, were the cover entry. Either theyve taken that pic, or scanned the magazine.

Rudolf Herczog
Digital Artist

Ardiva posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 1:48 PM

I see....I'm wondering if they can also get a pic from places like Google images...etc. There is a website that pulls in images from all over, -don't remember the URL right now- and I discovered that they had all of my images from a website I designed called Angelic Visions. When I found out, I promptly wrote them to take the images off as they are not public domain. They were very nice and did just that. I wish I could remember where the URL to that image site is...but it's been many years ago and this mind of mine suffers from CRS too much these days. LOL! If I ever think of it, I will post it here, ok?

Rochr posted Sat, 29 November 2003 at 3:36 PM

Please do! I think a lot of people would love to check it out.

Rudolf Herczog
Digital Artist

shadowdragonlord posted Sun, 30 November 2003 at 5:13 AM

I think security is a big deal, for certain. But never let watermarks or that kind of stuff get in the way of your art. That is even more ridiculous than paranoia. No offense intended, Vile, but if I saw a Bryce pic posted in the gallery with THAT much watermarking, I'd be forced to mock that person as a paranoid fool. I know that was just an example, though...