Hi folks,
Digital Carvers Guild is proud to announce Anything Glows 2. Here's a quick rundown on some of the new features of AG2.
- Speed, AG2 is about twice as fast as AG1 on the Wintel platform and about 1.5 times as fast on MacOS.
- Environment Lighting, inspired by Steve McQuinn's Skull Session images, AG2 creates spectacular diffuse lighting effects with a simple menu command.
- Master Lights, we couldn't make Carrara support master lights like it does with objects and shaders, but we've got the next best thing. Using AG2, you can change the properties on as many lights as you want with a single window, simply select the lights or groups of lights you want to change and use AG2's Master Light to set the properties.
- Two new ways of hooking Anything Glows to a mesh. Set up your AG lights quicker than before.
- "Cast Shadows" off is no longer required for the Anything Glows Item. AG1 required that the emitting object have the "Cast Shadows" option turned off to avoid intersecting the rendered mesh. AG2 has a Standoff option that keeps the light ray from intersecting the rendered mesh.
Grab the update from the Anything Glows page here, and don't forget to check out the new tutorial on using Bryce panorama renders for AG environment lighting here.
Eric Winemiller Digital Carvers Guild Freeware and commercial 3D extensions http://digitalcarversguild.com
Eric Winemiller
Digital Carvers Guild
Carrara and LightWave