coatee progress Although it is taking a lot longer then expected and the pic does not reflex it, this coat is progressing. The biggest hang up has been redesigning the object to allow an unbuttoned morph to be added. But the real time consumer has been just using RDS 5.5. I do not recall object files exported by RDS 5.02 needing so much text editing. It is just a frustrating process to use this program for any creation of a poser figure. However, the torso has now a fully lined neck, chest, collars, hip, and thighs to allow numerous morphs to be created for dressing this figure on the parent figure. Additions to this coatee since the last posted report are: A small triangle shadow problem on the back was addressed. Pockets added to the hip Fully lined torso Polygon norms fixed in cuffs of ForeArms Neck collar trim color divisions Hands added from the part of the cuff and sleeve Four point rounded to all edge seams Problems to be solved and additions to be made: 1) There is a new polygon norm problem with some of the interior lining in the Collars at the chest/collar joint. 2) As seen in the pic (elbow red coat left), the Shldr/ForeArm joint acts odd on some poses with a ForeArm twist and needs repair. (although remote, this may be a problem created from updating poser on an updated version). 3) Two buttons on the left cuff need to be moved out. 4) In combination with the Mariner paint there is brake through in the back of the hip if the leg is lifted to high. This needs to be fixed to maximize it's use. 5) The lining should be added to the neck (maybe) 6) The epaulettes still hang to low on the collar. I'm not sure if this is truly fixable on a p4 figure but it would be solved for a coat for the millennium man. 7) The neck may be to cartoonist in it's depth of trim and needs some rework or replaced. 8) A head still needed to be added to keep the tall collar on target with the figures head after the neck is addressed. 9) For detail, a good bump map needs to be developed. I hope to have it done soon, but in RDS it seem to be one step forword and two steps back, so I can not say when. Lakota