was trying out some new maps today and somehow hit the wrong key....anyway, what I found was that by using the up/down/left/right arrows, I could move my posette from one position to another in incremental steps (or tweaks). Now it's a while since I read the manual, but I don't remember ANY of this stuff! So I messed around with it a while and the deal is this... open a posette, turn off IK, limits and any locks, add a pose, then keep hitting the left and right arrows until something happens. it seems to be slow to start, but once it gets going, you should be able to go from the pose in which you opened her (or him), to the new pose in tiny steps. second - if you use the 'home' and 'end' keys, you can move from the first pose to the second in one jump. now, this had me baffled for a while, but I eventually discovered (about 3 nervous breakdowns later) that to add a new pose, you have to select the 'home' key. then you can tweak from the newer position to the second one. if you select 'end', you can add another pose, and tweak between your new home pose and your new end pose. wildly complicated, but I finally cracked it. on top of that, if you hit 'enter', posette will do a box-tracked animation of the whole sequence (I already knew that one). The other thing I knew was that the up/down arrows take you through the sequence of body parts, change cameras, etc, but this pose tweaking is totally new to me! so, maybe I'm getting excited about something that everyone else yawns over, but s**t....I think it's amazing. someone like Schlabber could work miracles with this! Posetweak RULES!!! additional stuff - messing with the keys - hitting spacebar/esc/alt/right arrow takes you through the menus (to get into a menu, use down). that was another novelty to me, probably keyboard freaks know all this stuff, but that one doesn't work in others progs. you have to use alt/menu letter. hope I haven't bored you all to death with this stuff, but I'm soooo excited!! so, tell me...am I a complete cretin or what? maclean