geep opened this issue on Jan 15, 2004 ยท 74 posts
geep posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 8:38 AM
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
Crescent posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:20 AM
Please let this mean what I think it means!
bikermouse posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:23 AM
"As he listened to the din from the hillside, to a deep pulsating thunder that came from afar to the left, and to the lesser clamors which came from many directions, it occurred to him that they were fighting, too, over there, and over there, and over there. Heretofore he had supposed that all the battle was directly under his nose." - Stephen Crane
LovePyrs posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:23 AM
looks at the good doctor cautiously Is this what I think it is?
Stormrage posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:32 AM
genny posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:36 AM
You made my day, Dr. Geep! (:
Caly posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:40 AM
Out, out, Damn spot! I don't see you as a Lady Macbeth though. :)
Calypso Dreams... My Art-
Phantast posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:41 AM
bikermouse posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:41 AM
[IF] If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too, If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream--and not make dreams your master, If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools: If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!" If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much, If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son! -Rudyard Kipling(as retold by Darth bikermouse)
wyrwulf posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:48 AM
Thanks for reconsidering, Doc. Your recent posts and this one have made my day.
rhiafaery posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 9:49 AM
Woohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I had a feeling this would be a "Never-Ending Story." :D (((Squooooshes))))* Dr. Geep
kayjay97 posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 10:00 AM
Cool Doc. So glad you changed your mind!!
In a world filled with causes for worry and
we need the peace of God standing guard over our hearts and
Jerry McCant
DarkElegance posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 10:03 AM
O.O ohh ohh ohh please let that mean what I hope it means ~jumps up and down and hugs Geep!~
XENOPHONZ posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 10:18 AM
Now, I'll take a look at your fine tutorials....... You've gotten my attention.
SamTherapy posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 10:35 AM
Keep on keeping on, Doc. You promised us a mini tute on lights. I was looking forward to it, so I hope you are working on it this very instant. taps foot impatiently. :)
Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.
TT posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 10:52 AM
Lights, yes, Im ready and wait. :}
"I like my species the way it is."
A_ posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 10:54 AM
Wait, does this really mean what I think it does? Are you staying? :D
vilters posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 11:02 AM
Thank you, and welcome back. Tony
Poser 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,
P8 and PPro2010, P9 and PP2012, P10 and PP2014 Game
"Do not drive
faster then your angel can fly"!
Ratteler posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 11:05 AM
Yay! How could you resist all that love? ;-) Look, I know I'm one of those who tends to bite back, and butt heads when I think some one or somthing has gone too far. And I know that can sometimes add to the tension around here. I don't think I've ever actually "started" a problem, and I never resort to personal attacks. But I to throw myself into harms way if I think something is truely unfair. I do it because I really belive, sometimes someone has to stand their ground for what's right. Even if I loose the fight, sometime it just matters that some one was willing to. But that fighting isn't worth squat if it's going drive off people like you. So I apologize for any part I've had in making things worse around here, or if my good intentions occasionally pave the road to hell. I would like to say I'll stop it all together, or even just try to, but that would be letting "Nothing" win to me. So what I will do is try to be a little more reasonable, and pick my words a little more carefully (But I'm not working on my spelling! Your just going to have to deal with that.) I just hope you all know that I do it with the best of intentions.
geep posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 11:10 AM
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
leather-guy posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 11:40 AM
"O Frabjuous Day, Calloo, Kallay!" (sp?) ....hopeful....
neftis posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 11:47 AM
Oh if those images are really what I think they are...I hope for more positive and good around here. And to have you with us Bob would really be a good start in this direction. If you slowly are changing your mind then here again: SSSSSTTTTTAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy :) just feel the love around!
sixus1 posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 11:48 AM
Great to see that you changed your are one of the nice people :) Rebekah
SAMS3D posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 12:08 PM
"....and a huge cloud just lifted and I saw the light again.....and said Thank you Lord.....this is a good day." Mike and Sharen :-)
geep posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 12:09 PM
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
BekaVal posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 12:11 PM
So we can hope, that you will fight the NOTHING to save Phantasia? That is great news to hear! :)))
HeavyRay posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 12:23 PM
I'm mending from a recent heart attack, and must say that Dr. Geep's return would be some of the best medicine a man could hope for... HeavyRay(who needs to work on becoming LighterRay)
rhiafaery posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 12:25 PM
does a little happy dance on top of the disappearing nothing
DefaultGuy posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 12:26 PM
Attached Link:
RIGHT ON, DR. GEEP!Porthos posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 12:28 PM
There IS a light at the end of the tunnel! Yay!!!
MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 12.0GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD
PoserPro 2012 (SR1) - Units: Metres , Corel PSP X4 and PSE 9
SAMS3D posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 12:35 PM
HeavyRay, you behave and don't get to are to be resting.....Doc, glad to see you again.....big noisy Kiss to you....!!!!!!!! Sharen and Mike.....of course Mike said he will shake your hand if you don't mind....LOL
pakled posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 1:05 PM
hmm..big black spot in the center of your vision, gradually fading..glad the migrane is over..o Major, my Major (you were due for a promotion, anyway..;) Dang glad you're back..signed, the crew..;)
I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit
anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)
ookami posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 1:33 PM
WooHoo! The Wooly Mammoth has been REBORN! Maybe you're a Wooly Pheonix instead!
geep posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 1:46 PM
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
deemarie posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 2:23 PM
:] Dee-Marie
compiler posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 2:39 PM
Bienvenue chez toi, Doc.
FlyByNight posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 2:51 PM
LovePyrs posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 2:55 PM
FBN, you rock!! I love the Snoopy dance and it so perfectly illustrates what I want to do!! =D
Engel47 posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 2:56 PM
Boy, that's a big relief to the whole community. I am so glad to see this post. Is it too soon to say "Welcome Back"? (well, it's said now).
EnglishBob posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 3:40 PM
I don't know much about art - but I know what I like. ;-)
SndCastie posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 3:55 PM
You had better hurry back can't hold breath forever LOL
An imagination can create wonderful things
SndCastie's Little
shogakusha posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 3:57 PM
Is this a dagger I see before me, it's handle toward my won't turn to my hand....can anyone tell me how to get around this gimball lock thing, this dagger won't turn toward my hand! Glad you have decided to stay among us Doc. I think you should realize by now that you have created your own community without even trying.
iamonk posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:00 PM
Can we see a TUT on that one???
geep posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:03 PM
On what? Creating a community? ???
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
iamonk posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:12 PM
Making it a bit nicer to visit.
compiler posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:12 PM
Attached Link:
I don't check the galleries often (for lack of time), but I'm glad I did tonight. Great idea Doc ! You made my night ! (off to bed, I'll make sweet dreams now...)Gareee posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:17 PM
Yay! He's BACK!!!!!!!! Um, does this mean I have to de-lurk in your classes now?
Way too many people take way too many things way too seriously.
geep posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:20 PM
de-lurk? No, the classes are FREE, as always and ... ... you get what you pay for. Signing in ... is optional, as always.
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
mikeberg posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:41 PM
As I said doc, still waiting for the next tut! Like the song "J'attendrai, j'attendrai toujours ton retour". It means: "We will always wait for your return" Someone who really appreciate what you are doing for us. Merci d'avance
dallas40m posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:42 PM
Well, I believe the whole community just breathed a collective sigh of relief and joy. And tho you were not gone for very long, you were indeed missed greatly. Welcome home to rejoin your friends and students!! Dallas
Warmest Regards,
sirkrite posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:50 PM
Welcome back geep!
jobcontrol posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 4:53 PM
He's back! sigh Willy waving
panko posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 5:09 PM
Now this is the BEST piece of Art I've seen in a loooong loooong time!!!! Thank you, Doc! You brought the sunshine back with this! Thank you... :)
"That's another fine mess you got me in to!" -- Oliver Hardy
catlin_mc posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 5:11 PM
This is a very happy day indeed. Yesterday I felt like the world had come to a stop and I wanted to get off, now I feel elated that you have decided to stay with us. You are one of the major reasons I have for coming here and I would be quite lost without your humour and your knowledge. Sometimes we loose sight of what is most valuable and most needed in our lives and for me you are one of the people who I value here and that makes a big difference to the Poser world, ie. without you it wouldn't be so much fun. Thank you for being who you are, and please don't scare me like that again, I have high blood pressure you know. 8) Anyways, here's a big HUG and a even bigger kiss............. (x) Catlin
TygerCub posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 5:32 PM
Tears are shed yet again, tho these be of joy and not sorrow! Thank you Dr. Geep! You brought sunshine back to those of us "in the dark".
geep posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 5:39 PM
Hi Folks, Um, I am afraid ... I am very afraid that ... ... you guys are putting me on much too high a pedestal, and if I ever fall off, I will shatter into a thousand pieces. I am .............. only human ... just like you. Your accolades are much appreciated and I shall try my best to "be there." Thank you very much for the support and warm wishes. They have been duly noted, each and every one of them, and indelibly etched upon my heart. with newfound cheers, dr geep ;=]
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
dlk30341 posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 5:54 PM
Welcome back & hugs for returning!!!!
Shoshanna posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 6:18 PM
If you fall, we'll catch you. Shanna :-)
geep posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 6:21 PM
You already did ..... and I thank you very, very much for doing that. ;=]
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
BastBlack posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 6:36 PM
"If you build it, they will come." Geep, any tuts you post, I read. =) Hope you keep your old gems around (I read them and reread them), ....and not trying to pressure you or anything, but if you can make more tuts in the future, you know I will read them! Thanks for all the good work! I hope you make a Geep archive. =) bB <--- who thinks Geep could make even "stereo instructions" fun and interesting. You should make the Peach Press' guide to Poser. =)
bip77 posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 6:56 PM
Just left the forum for some hours and the world turned upside down... Great to see you back!!! :-)
Riddokun posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 7:17 PM
we put you on a pedestal, be happy that we could not have find a higher one :) yet we took down the ladder, so yes, you'll have not to fall and shatterign to pieces.. (anyway would you, we woul gather the bits and use some glue ...) i am glad you stayed, don't bother what some malevolent peopel would say about any aspect of you decision, i am glad, you helped me a lot so far, though i am a slow learner and have many classes late to view...
Ciorstaidh posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 7:54 PM
Just smiles..... Am glad you decided to change your mind Doc. We may have you on that proverbial pedestal, but lots of pillows are underneath it. ;-)
Welcome home........ :-)
kimpe posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 8:10 PM
Didn't Magic Johnson or one of thoes basketball players retire and come back again ten times all in the span of five years. At least the good Dr. didn't do that.... Welcome back ;)
purplehayes posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 8:35 PM
Hi Good Doctor Tank you and welcome back ! I'm mostly a lurker here, somewhat shy... Before you "left", I knew you were a good bloke, I could tell by the tone of your posts...the humor were their best quality... As hard as I could I tried to follow your tutes, and always, always, fun is the key to learn well (but I don't learn as fast as I want, I'm quite impatient...) I'm so glad you're back, like the rest of the class ! Thank you ! (Sometimes, the GOOD win ! And not only in movies...Yaaaayyyyy !) PH
Viomar posted Thu, 15 January 2004 at 10:08 PM
Well, i may not show my presence often in your classes. But, i'm there. I enjoy even the ones i already understand. You're style of teaching is unique, informative & Fun! And that is a rare thing. The fact that you enjoy the process shows too. I wish you a "very super duper Year". Long Live Dr. Geep!! Marco
sandmarine posted Fri, 16 January 2004 at 1:46 AM
yesss!!! I'm also late many classes I have to catch up on... are the dr. geep's tutorials gone forever from 'rosity or can i still find them here?
Elfwine posted Fri, 16 January 2004 at 1:56 AM
Woo hoo! :) shakes booty ((((|)))) Doc rules!!
Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things! ; )
12rounds posted Fri, 16 January 2004 at 2:26 AM
Hehe... good good. Best friday for a while.
jade_nyc posted Fri, 16 January 2004 at 12:00 PM
woohoo! feel like crap because it turns out I have the flu but this has made me feel a whole lot better! lol
Swade posted Fri, 16 January 2004 at 4:43 PM
Well.... I am new here to the poser forum, but from what I hear it was a black day when people read that Dr. Geep was leaving. At that moment I had wished I had checked out the poser forum more and sooner, and that I had missed out on some good stuff. Now I see that you are staying and everyone is elated that this is so. And I am looking forward to experiencing what all these good folks are so excited about. It is good to see that there are so many people that look up to you. It is a good thing and means you have impacted them in a good way. So from a new face in the forum..... welcome back. Swade
There are 10 kinds of people: Those who know binary, and those who don't.
A whiner is about as useful as a one-legged man at an arse kicking contest.
geep posted Fri, 16 January 2004 at 5:08 PM
Thanks Swade, I appreciate that. cheers, dr geep ;=]
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019
catlin_mc posted Fri, 16 January 2004 at 7:06 PM
Riddokun said, in reference to you falling off your pedestal..........."we would gather the bits and use some glue"..............and who's the one who taught us about Poser glue.............why, it was you Doc. 8) Catlin
geep posted Fri, 16 January 2004 at 7:14 PM
Gee, thanks a bunch Catlin. Now I'm gonna be sorry that I ever invented that "stuff." ;=]
Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"
dr geep ... :o]
edited 10/5/2019