ynsaen opened this issue on Feb 01, 2004 ยท 4 posts
ynsaen posted Sun, 01 February 2004 at 2:41 AM
One of the issues I've been very privileged to have been working on with P5 is trying to figure out why the damned things take so very long to load up if you download them or purchase them. In general, dynamic hair should load in not much more than 5 seconds, but most available hair loads in times far longer than that on most systems. The issue does not typically occurr on the machine used to create the hair, either, but on other machines to which the hair is exported. This load time issue makes dynamic hair essentially a great big hairy pain the whosits, and likely is part of the reason folks don't use it often. The fix for it, however, is simple. The cause I leave to the really smart folks here! The issue is a line that is the hr2 file at least once for each group, and references a file created (I believe) during the dynamics calculation phase, that is deleted by Poser on exit. The fix is, prior to release, to open the hr2 file in a text editor with seach and replace capabilities and search out the lines that begin with the term "hairCacheFile". Delete these lines wherever they occur (but do not delete any of the line below it containing a bracket), and save. The catch is that you can't open the file to be sent out back up again, or Poser inserts that line once more! So for testing, a copy of the fix would have to be used. This fix has been verified several times on several different configurations of machines, and works every time. I've waited a week to post this while I worked on a couple other dynamic hair issues that were revealed in my testing for this, and if anything comes of them, I'll let ya'll know about them as well. I'd also like to point out that all of the Hair at RDNA loads incredibly fast on even a memory hobbled system (256 MB on XP with default settings), and all are currently "fixed". And they look great, too. Hope this helps folks out :)
thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)