I saw someone was asking the other week whether it was possible to do architectural modelling in Bryce - well this is something I put together over the last couple of weeks. It was supposed to be a 'quick and dirty' model of a big house for the background of a pic, but it kind of grew out of control. It is ALL made of primitives, with the single exception of the balustrade uprights, which are freebies from Ysvry ( http://home.deds.nl/~mp/elf/elf.htm). I find Bryce very comfortable to do this sort of model in (to me the interface is much more friendly than Max) but the downside is that you end up with a massive file (90 Mb without textures) that you can't export to other applications. I'd love to put it in the freestuff, but it's much too big, and anyway it has Ysvry's stuff in it. I've set myself a project to remodel it in Max, so if I succeed I will post it up somewhere for download.