Forum: Fractals

Subject: Any tips for Apo image focus?

Seadreamer opened this issue on Mar 14, 2004 ยท 7 posts

Seadreamer posted Sun, 14 March 2004 at 6:00 AM

Ok, so I found this flame... The Flame. I love this flame. It's a flame for sonnets, fireworks, for celebration. And perhaps I exaggerate just a TINY bit, but take my word for it, it's an awesome flame. It mutates so well I can't even decide where to start, except for one tiny thing. sighs It's just ever so slightly out of focus and blurred. cries Almost all the mutations show the same problem, even at full screen preview, and I've spent about three hours trying to tug those three tiny little triangles around, to no avail. (Thank GOODNESS I saved the spot file first. Oh, the horror... shudders) I'm going to go ahead and pick a mutation and do a render (several hours on my comp...grrrrr) but I've found that what I see at full screen is pretty much what I get when I render. And the point of all this IS......

Does anyone have any suggestions for improving the quality of focus/clarity on a slightly blurred image? I'd appreciate it to no end. Oh, and of course I'm using Apo 2.16b, so I suppose it could be something there, but 16 has been a very sweet number to me so far. ^_^

Thanks for reading the babble, and any help would truly be greatly appreciated.

fractaldreamer posted Sun, 14 March 2004 at 6:26 AM

Hi Seadreamer, Have you tried sharpening your flame in a graphics editor. I found on some of my slightly blurred flames it worked wonderfully.

CriminallyInsane posted Sun, 14 March 2004 at 10:15 AM

Hard to say without seeing the image... If it is a bilateral flame then the symmetry transform is probably slightly out of line. If it isn't then try adjusting the transforms which are just using the Linear variation slightly.

paragon5 posted Sun, 14 March 2004 at 11:13 PM

You can try turning the filter radius down. I have mine set on 0.1. It uses a little more memory and takes a little longer to render, but most of the time it's worth the extra wait! William

Seadreamer posted Sun, 14 March 2004 at 11:35 PM

I'll give the filter radius a try.. rendering and then sharpening wasn't great, and I've wiggled triangles till I'm crazy. LOL

Rykk posted Mon, 15 March 2004 at 7:50 PM

Hi Kat - Try to figure out which triangle has caused the blur and select it then, in the "Transform" tab, try lowering or raising the "weight" value by, say .1 or so. Ex: weight = 0.35681 - try 0.25681 or 0.45681. Or maybe try a larger change like + or - 0.3 or something. If you have added a triangle at some point during the Pythagorean Polygon Pulling, Pushing or Positioning Process Producing your Primo Picture (sorry - I just HAD to say that - gimme a sec to wipe off my monitor! lol), it may have been moved ever so slightly from the reference position? I guess you've tried moving them all around but maybe if there is a new one it needs to go precisely onto the dotted reference triangle? Or try to make one of the bigger triangles a notch or two smaller by clicking it while holding "cntl" and "shift". Just tossing out ideas - hope you get it figured out, I'd love to see your flame! Rick

aeires posted Tue, 16 March 2004 at 12:49 AM

Too cool. I've been beating my head against the wall over this same problem. Huge thanks for the help on this. Jeff