Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: Dystopia

Marque opened this issue on Mar 28, 2004 ยท 17 posts

Marque posted Sun, 28 March 2004 at 7:45 PM

This may be a dumb question but is there a package of 01-20? Seems to start a 21 unless I'm missing something on the product page? I would ask in the product showcase but I thought I might get a faster answer here. Don't they all build on the previous product? Thanks, Marque

gps posted Sun, 28 March 2004 at 7:55 PM

Attached Link:

Blocks 1-20 are in freestuff, they're hosted for Moebius87 by FishNose.

Ajax posted Sun, 28 March 2004 at 8:46 PM

Each package is completely independant, - ie none of the packages require you to own any of the others. Blocks 01-20 are free. We're in the middle of revising the free blocks to make them fully compatible with the commercial versions (same size, format, use the same poses and textures etc), after which they'll be re-released (still free). The old free blocks don't have the same Poser enhancements as the commercial blocks. After the re-release, the main difference between the free and commercial Dystopia packages will be that the free buildings tend to be a little less detailed and not so high-rise.

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Dave-So posted Sun, 28 March 2004 at 10:05 PM

when will the new free ones be out ??? I haven't purchased any of the sets been on my wishlist since day 1... how close can you get and still have a decent looking render..or are they meant mainly for background?

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Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
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Marque posted Sun, 28 March 2004 at 10:22 PM

Thanks! Getting them now. Marque

Ajax posted Sun, 28 March 2004 at 10:53 PM

Attached Link: My Gallery

I've given up trying to predict how long any given Dystopia package will take to come out. We run into a lot of issues with the conversion from lightwave models to obj models and sometimes Billy winds up having to scratch months of work and go back for another try. Because the free ones were the first ones Moe ever did, they contain a lot of lightwave info that doesn't translate to obj very well (lots of 2 edge polygons for example). All I can tell you is that at the moment I have finished versions of the obj models of 2 blocks from the free set and I have 6 blocks from the next commercial set. Billy tells me he's finding the free blocks hard going and he expects them to take a while. I see a lot of customers rendering the blocks close up, but Moe really intended them for background - filling skylines etc. They are very detailed and the tiled textures mean you can get quite close before the texture resolution starts to break up, but our official opinion is that they aren't intended for street level, person-in-situ renders and consequently they don't perform as well in that use as a product that's designed for that would. If you take a look at my product renders in the store, especially for blocks 21-30, you can get an idea of how they look if you put a person at street level and try to render that. Personally, I wouldn't use them for that. I think they're best used for buildings that are about a block or more away from the camera. The most recent two renders in my gallery ( are examples. "Mining Colony" is made up of only one block, while "Released" has 144 blocks in the scene (Those are vue renders BTW - Poser would crash if you tried to put 144 Dystopia blocks in it). We know a lot of people really want something they can put their people in, so we're also working on a parallel series of packages called Dystopia Destinations. Those will be Poser person scale sets in the Dystopia style, usually with a view so you can do renders where the city blocks are visible in the background. We have a lot of plans for those but since all three of us have full time jobs it tends to move slowly.

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Dave-So posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 6:09 AM

Thanks much :) The destination sets will be a great plus for the whole concept. It's a real bummer that the day job has to pull so much creative time away, isn't it ?? LOL

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

Ajax posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 6:42 AM

Yeah, this having to work for a living thing can be very disheartening. I'd much rather be doing something creative. Just for the hell of it, I'll post a few Dystopia pics. This one is a 6 by 6 block layout rendered in Vue 4.

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Moebius87 posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 6:43 AM

Attached Link: Dystopia

Mind Over Matter
"If you don't mind, then it don't matter."

Ajax posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 6:45 AM

Again, 6 by 6 blocks, rendered in Vue 4. The textures are the same ones we use in the Poser version (in fact, this is the poser version, just imported to Vue) but the whole thing looks more convincing in Vue because it's easier to get light that looks like outdoor light and you can add a little atmospheric haze to provide depth.

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Ajax posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 6:49 AM

Hiya Moe! One last render. This one is rendered in Poser. The outlander outfit is by Lourdes and the bike is a personal project of mine that has been on the back burner for a while now (that full time job thing again).

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Marque posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 7:17 AM

Nice work! Thanks for all the info everyone, it helps to get it from folks who have the items so I can get a user's view. Marque

Mason posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 12:25 PM

Yeah Dystopia is really a cool product. I thank the makers for it. Just plopping a few of those in the background reall jazz up a scene and they are fairly low poly. One thing I wish they would make is a more traditional set of buildings. For example, I'd like one or two blocks that look like they are from the 50s or 60s, without the super high tech buildings in them. All they would have to do is take the blocks they have now, harvest the blander, more square buildings and put them in one block.

billy-home posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 3:31 PM

As Ajax said the first 20 free blocks a proving to be a lot more of a problem to convert than the newer stuff, (they are a good few years old now), especially the 2 point polys LW can use, they work a dream in LW but are totally usless in Poser, and as Moe didn't Know Poser at all when these were built he had no idea of the problems that would arise in converting them. Mason, that's a good idea, maybe we can sort something out along those lines in the future, "Dystopia the Early Years" or something. Cheers Billy 8)

Marque posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 3:48 PM

Please do, we need more of this type of model. Marque

Dave-So posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 4:03 PM

These are great images.... I'm saving my cash.... My son is on the creative side, and he doesn't work..until recently, when he finally discovered that starvation is a minus to is not having a roof...the canvas gets a bit wet outside, plus there's no jiuce for the computer :)

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

MaterialForge posted Mon, 29 March 2004 at 4:55 PM

A little late to the party, but I wanted to add my .02. I bought the 21-30 and 31-40 sets, and am extremely happy with them. I think these are a top-notch set and use them all the time. I'd say they're in my top 10 most used Poser items. :) Can't wait to see the new stuff, and those Destinations sets sound way cool! --Donnie