Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Poser 5 on 233 MHZ

tien_avielle opened this issue on Mar 31, 2004 ยท 15 posts

tien_avielle posted Wed, 31 March 2004 at 10:18 PM

Hi- I was ready to buy Poser 5, but then read the minimum requirement was 500 MHZ processor speed. They recommend 700. I was just wondering if anyone has tried running it on an old wimp machine like mine, and will it run (although slowly) or will it just crash, or not run at all? I'd rather get the story from real users before contacting their tech support.

brainmuffin posted Wed, 31 March 2004 at 10:51 PM

I'm running it on a 1.4 mhz pentium with 512 megs of ram, and I still can't render poser 5 dynamic hair. it goes for 20 minutes without putting a single pixel on the render, and then I give up. I haven't tried dynamic cloth yet, but I assume it'll be more of the same. So.... the only thing I get to use is the Face Room. If you aren't going to upgrade your cpu anytime soon, then you'd be better off with poser 4 with the propack. THAT would run, albeit rather slowly.....

SteveJax posted Wed, 31 March 2004 at 11:01 PM

1.4 Mhz or Ghz? I certainly hope you made a boo boo! LOL!

Triarius posted Wed, 31 March 2004 at 11:11 PM

P5 is slow but just workable at G4 733 Mhz. I wouldn't try it at 233 except for very simple stuff. I havn't tried rendering anything at 1.4 Ghz, yet (just got the processor upgrade) but going up from 733 was a huge improvement. P4 runs acceptably on a G4350, and even on a G3 at 400, or so. I'd recommend you use the money to buy a processor upgrade. :o]

-Waldo- posted Wed, 31 March 2004 at 11:27 PM

I can get 2ghz mobo and cpu for $150 dollar. Power supply and case is extra. I am using 3 ghz P4 and 1GB Ram and I am still unhappy with it because of dynamic hair strands that hogs the processor bandwidth. Cloth dynamic is good for most processors. I would replace dynamic cloth with hair and it wld just look good as real hair.

tien_avielle posted Wed, 31 March 2004 at 11:48 PM

Processor: Intel Pentium II, MMX, ~266MHz
Memory: 384MB RAM

I need a PAYING job!

When I got this pc, they hadn't invented Giga ANYTHING!


For the good news, I have 33 more Mhz than I thought I had!

-Waldo- posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 1:04 AM

Uh? Where do you live? 266 isnt that bad if you keep everything low on polygons. I had 233 MMX P150 Sony Vaio right before I bought this home made 3ghz cpu. It was worth upgrade the CPU for Poser5 but not entirely. I am keeping an eye on quad Opteron to get 256bits processor in total for renderer. I am waiting on E-on, Eovia, and CuriousLabs's announcement if they support 64bits CPUs then I will buy it immediately. I am serious 3D animator. I hogged and maxed the processor and ram several times. If you only want to use Poser for anime. I would recommend poser 3 or 4 which is free in some magazines. And you can get anime doll for $22 dollar. In these versions of poser there is no hair/clothing dynamics. Good luck with ur project.

brainmuffin posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 6:38 AM

Yes, I did make a booboo. It's actually a 1.2 mhz. And I made another mistake, I really only have 512K of ram....(I'm laughing so hard I'm gonna wet my pants....) But seriously..... I bought my whole machine (1.4 Ghz,) reconditioned for about $350.00, no monitor, about a year and a half ago. I've since upgraded the video card and the ram. Waldo, do you have any animation posted in free stuff? Iff not, have you put a link to anything in the animation forum? I'm curious to see your animation...

who3d posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 6:56 AM

tien While Poser 5 may TECHNICALLY "run" on a 266 MHz machine with 384 MB of RAM, it'll actually be more like crawling on its hands and knees than running. At least to do anything significantly beyond a "does this work" test. I STROBLY suspect that to get any decent use out of it without upgrading your PC first you'd have to cut back on what it does (compromise) so much that you'll see no benefit over Poser 4 (or "Poser Artist" as it is now known). If you've already got 4/Artist then I suspect you could get betetr out of it with a faster CPU and more RAM than you would out of upgrading to Poser 5 (and I speak as a confirmed Poser-5 addict who barely even looks at Poser 4 anymore). Cheers, Cliff

wolf359 posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 8:33 AM

Attached Link: bouncers

This Cloth Dynamics animation was rendered on a 300MHZ MAC G3 with 352 megs of ram using poser5 is not a *"pleasant"* experience on such hardware but you can do Basic renders if you are patient :-)

My website

YouTube Channel

scourge posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 9:42 AM

P5 on PII 266MHz? Rendering anything complex would take almost as long as Renderosity pages take to load =) Seriously, I was a happy Poser 4 user when I had my PII 333MHz, but I don't know about FireFly and dynamic hair...

tien_avielle posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 11:24 AM

Everyone, thanks so much for your input. It depressed me!
BUT, it did make it clear that I must get a newer machine, and gave me the idea of looking for rebuilts! One person's trash is another's treasure! Thanks to all - Tien

who3d posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 3:45 PM

Good move Tien. I'd rather stangle myself with my own tongue than use Poser 5 on a 266 MHz PII :)

biggert posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 6:57 PM

aww lawwd! holy mackarel! i wonder how my 486 DX2 66 is doing now? i donated it not long ago.....i wonder if it has a new home now? with a WHOPPING 20 MB OR SIMM MODULES AND 512KB VIDEO!!! ....THATS A MEAN BAST**D!!

estherau posted Thu, 01 April 2004 at 7:41 PM

I have a G4 500mhz dual processor. curious labs tells me that poser only sees one of my processors. I run poser 5 on it. It is slow but still useable. Love esther


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