My latest art piece. Essentially, the idea behind it is that the snake represents modern technology... or perhaps better: technology over the years. It was inspired by a calculator game, and the big metal slab is gonna end up being a screen (with a lot more pixels, too, but I didn't want to slow down the comp just to make up a conceptual image)
The "snake" runs around eating the "dots" which give you points (eventually, part of the screen will show the score), but also make the snake longer. Eventually, you do something really stupid like try to get another dot and run into yourself, in which case, the game is over. I'm portraying technology as being exactly that. It keeps trying to improve and extend itself, but it's bound to crash at some point. Likely when it's reaching for some new improvement. What I'm looking at now is backgrounds, but since I've got about 12 test images, I won't post them all. I'll just post the two that I like best. This one's supposed to simulate the fuzz produced by a TV when it decides it's bored of doing what it's supposed to do. I guess that could by symbolic of the fact that whether technology destroys itself or not, half the time it just drives you nuts anyway! :)