Forum: Vue

Subject: Sacred Rose Gallery Images

jarm opened this issue on Oct 05, 2000 ยท 11 posts

jarm posted Thu, 05 October 2000 at 2:47 AM

Hi all Sorry to have to say this, but I think we should establish a ground rule for the Gallery. The point of posting images in the gallery is to get honest apprasal and comments for our work, right? Sacred Rose has posted images to the gallery then voted himself a 10 straight after. Anyway, can we have an unofficial rule not to vote for your own images? I think it makes sense. Your toughts are welcome. Best wishes Jody

Sacred Rose posted Thu, 05 October 2000 at 10:45 AM

Jody.... First off, let me say this....I did not vote for myself. My friend looked at the pic using my log on, as he was not a member of renderosity, he voted not I. I cannot find a way of deleting that vote or editing it out. I personally have never voted, for ANY image in ANY of the galleries at renderosity. Secondly, I am more than happy to delete the image and resubmit it if it will make things easier for you. If bloodsong or the administrators would care to advise on the best course of action, I would happily follow instruction. You have posted valid concerns, unfortunately, without input I cannot help. Respectfully Sacred ps....I am a she :-)

bloodsong posted Thu, 05 October 2000 at 10:45 AM

heyas; i try to stay outta gallery rating stuff. :) and most people SEEM to think it is a 'whoever gets the most points wins' deal, not a 'venue for open, honest criticism.' however, this may be a good idea. if you want something done about it, though, you might want to post to the community ideas forum; as it would apply to all galleries, not just vue. unless you mean, just a general rule we all abide by. in which case, we can just ignore the point-hogger gallery people. :)

Sacred Rose posted Thu, 05 October 2000 at 4:51 PM doesnt answer the problem that jarm has highlighted however, therefore I shall simply delete the image to avoid further difficulties. Regards Sacred

Sacred Rose posted Thu, 05 October 2000 at 5:02 PM

Image has been deleted and resubmitted, minus the rating votes. I hope this ends the controversy. Feel free to rate and or comment at will. Sacred

jarm posted Thu, 05 October 2000 at 5:20 PM

My keboard +s re+lac+ng certa+n letters w+th a + s+gn so f+ll +n the ga+s +++. Sorry +f + caused a +roblem+ +t was just someth+ng + not+ced. But +erha+s an unoff+c+al rule to ab+de by. + w+sh + knew what was wrong w+th my keyboard. Th+s +s really gett+ng d+ff+cult to contact +eo+le w+th. Also+ + cannot browse +ro+erly because the keys don+t allow me to ty+e the URL +n correctly. S+gh...+ need a new d+g. Jody

tesign posted Fri, 06 October 2000 at 6:50 AM

Hmmmm...Jarm..I really do not understand why you let this point rating stuff trouble you so much. IMHO, even if she does, its just natural. Is it a big deal getting a "10" or a "1"? One thing we all have to know is that the image always speak for itself. In contest sometime, you can tell which is the winning piece and which is not, and the unexpected do happened that is the shit piece won...bias?...go figure but we all know, the image itself tell. My thought for all people here (not necessary to take it though)is, before any rating or comment given, ask yourself honestly..."could you have or been able to do that image yourself", "does the artist manage to communicate through that his/her image?" and last but not least, "what makes you want to comment?" Hate to say this but there are people here do think they should always be honoured because they are popular somewhat and have produce some nice work before. Without prejudice and just food for thought :) Bill Tesign

bloodsong posted Fri, 06 October 2000 at 10:27 AM

lol! jarm, looks like you have a short in your i and p keys. try opening the keyboard and cleaning it out. :) sacred rose: i don't think this was such a big 'argument' that you had to go delete and repost your image. you had a valid 'excuse' as it were; i woulda stuck to it. ('course, i'm stubborn ;) ) personally, i don't pay any attention to any 'ratings wars,' and... no offense, jarm -- but if you get bent out of shape because you see some ratings-monger mongering ratings... then you're about as rating-spastic as they are, eh? :)

jarm posted Mon, 09 October 2000 at 1:16 AM

Hi all Yay! My keyboard is fixed....I try going 2 days with cutting and pasting i and p...sheesh Right, first of all, I'm a guy :-) My parents just had a real sick sense of humour when I was born. Secondly, sorry if my post got taking the wrong way, it wasn't a rant just a point really, if I caused offence I'm sorry, it was't a 'big' issue, I just noticed it and thought it worth putting up. Sorry Sacred Dude, didn't mean to sound as nasty as I probably came across. Now where's that old keyboard and my hammer.....gonna enjoy this.... Jody

Sacred Rose posted Mon, 09 October 2000 at 4:36 PM

Jarm, LOL Im not a dude.......Im a dudette. A word of caution......step out of the way of flying keyboard debri could be painfull. Sacred

bloodsong posted Mon, 09 October 2000 at 6:50 PM

no prob, no harm, no foul. just a little discussion. see, ain't it nice to be civilized? :) you sure you don't wanna fly off the handle and go nuts and rave like a lunatic? i still haven't gotten to ban anyone.... and time is running out! :)